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    So, as the other reviewer mentioned it is now closed.  I'm heartbroken about it, this was my Indian food dive when it was owned by the original owners.  As far as dives go on Devon, those serving the late night diners, this was a great place to dine solo or with friends.  I never ran into the cabbie crowd or the huge groups of just men.  

    Also the original owners Ibrahim and his brother & family at the helm, they sold it as business was talking off to a couple that ran it for the course of a (very) few months.  I don't know the details, I can only assume things were well because it was always busy when I was eating there.  Food was prepared in the morning and sold as the day progressed.  If they ran out of items that was it but they would maintain an easy menu of quickly prepared items for anyone else that came later in the day.  

    The new owners made a lot of changes to the decor which made it look a bit more family oriented with walls of a burgundy or wine color and random pieces of art or mirrors.  Food took a turn and the flavors and cooking was not hitting all points for me.  Portions were smaller, less chunks of meat in the lamb curries and pricing was no longer matching the overall quality of the food and experience.  I tried it out a couple times with different people but it wasn't the same so I stopped dining there.

    If you read my original review for Al Madina you know about the legacy of the original owners.  With that said, I hope we see these guys open a new place and keep it under the same ownership.  You can start a business and make it poppin', unfortunately you can't teach people to keep a good thing, going good.

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    CLOSED. It's curtains for this place, which is unfortunate as it was one of the best (but often empty) Indo-Pak places along a crowded corridor of such places before a recent change in ownership.

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