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    This place has had yet another name & owner change.   It's now California Diner and Bar.  ( or something like that )

    I'm still irritated.  

    Being that this place was so close to a dance class my daughter had taken last night I figured WTF?  Let's run in for a quick dinner.

    Everything started off great.  We placed our order and we sit.  And sit.  And sit.  Food finally comes.  The portions are huge and the the food tastes good.  Still not complaining.  

    Tick tock, tick tock....still waiting for the chocolate shake my daughter ordered 30 minutes earlier.  We see people we *think* work there; however, they avoid eye contact so we cannot be sure.  I did see the girl wipe down a table when we first arrived but then she pretty much stood around and munched on chicken wings.....helpful patron or employee?  I could not be sure.

    Shake comes - its completely melted.  The cherry on top had now sunk to its demise on the bottom of the glass.  No biggie.  I tell them I'm not paying for it and that I'd like a to go container for the remainder of my dinner.

    Tick tock, tick tock.....finally arrives.  We box it to go.  Check?  Still waiting.  When it finally arrives we head to the front counter where the cash register is to pay.  I swear we stood there for another ten minutes waiting for someone to ring us up.  She finally arrives and says "oh, this needs to be settled in the bar."  Huh?

    I swear if I hadn't been with my kids I would have walked out without paying.  I've never been in an establishment where no one is waiting anxiously to take your money!  Oh, did I mention the place was almost EMPTY?!?!

    Food was good

    Staff was friendly but the service is shit.  

    Go if you have absolutely no time schedule at all and don't mind spending your evening sitting in a booth with nothing better to do.

    BTW, the girl that I saw clean the table earlier did actually work there.  She just didn't do anything at our table to prove that.

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    ***Has been closed for a long while now.  Waiting to see what might transpire***

    I'd never been to American Diner until I received an e-mail informing me that there's a new karaoke show on Wednesday nights at 9:00.  When I got there, I noticed that the restaurant itself was lacking, what do you call them....oh yeah, customers.  The karaoke show is held in the back part of the restaurant, in what looks like the "bar".  The music selection for karaoke is outstanding.  I talked to the KJ (karaoke jockey for those not in the circuit...) and he and his cohorts seem like genuinely nice people.  The sound system is good too.  All this place needs is more karaoke junkies like me to fill this place up!  Hope to see you there!

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