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    This seemed like a really good idea.... Two games, two pairs of shoes, two adults.. and the price was 30.00. What happened to old school fun at old school prices?

    The guy behind the counter had a strange, blank and appraising stare. Like he was mentally weighing my organs. He assigned us the lane right in front of his register, which crammed my date and I into a lane with a large family celebrating a birthday. Our addition made them have to gather their belongings and stand behind and around the seats we were to occupy.  

    I'm pretty convinced the guy behind the counter was conducting a social experiment. 2/3 of the building was completely empty. It was a Tuesday.

    Er, happy birthday my new, due to close proximity, friends...

    Bowling is still fun though. Bowling with beer is more fun. They have a full bar, a small arcarde, and a snack counter which, of the three, I didn't try out. I think I'd go again, just to gather more facts, if I find myself with money to burn and a hankering for something familiar.  On a weekday.

    Bowling alleys in small towns are all what you might expect, I think. Desperate teenagers making out over hot dogs in steamy shoes... Pop music so loud it washes out the sounds of your neighbors... Screaming children running amok and asking you for change...  Cashiers surly with the thought of how his or her life might have been...  
    For the record, the bartender was nice.

    In our next episode, adventure girl tries out bowling in a fish bowl...

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    The AMF center in Conyers is a place I would not highly recommend visiting unless you're with a large group of friends that will settle for nothing less than a game of bowling. There are always seedy kids and sketchy local bums hanging around which makes me feel unwelcome here. The employees have been rude to me on several occasions as well. There is usually a police officer making his rounds throughout the evenings on weekends.

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