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    I am a a barbeque connoisseur.  I love going to the dive restaurants that focus on the grilling and portions vs the foo foo overpriced places that give minimal portions..and have a limited menu.  I love rib tips, beef and pork ribs and chicken.   A lot of the restaurants I've gone to were carry out and you wouldn't want to stay there too long since the neighborhood was rough.  The place was minimally decorated  with religious pictures as decorations, and a big sign that had the menu and the 2 inch thick bullet proof glass that separated the kitchen from the outside..which had a small counter to eat.   I ordered the rib tips and fish and chicken.  I left right after some crazy guy started yelling to himself.  When I got home, I tried the food....which was very very disappointing.  The chicken wings were okay.  But, the fish..were under cooked and a bit "too juicy"I ate only a piece of it.  Then there was the rib tips.  They were whitish gray.  It looked like they just boiled the pork and then slathered bbq sauce on it.  They didn't even grill it.  I didn't even eat it.  I am NEVER EVER GOING TO THIS PLACE AGAIN!  It may not be dangerous to go there..but it will be if you eat the food.

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