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    Barney's pizza is not cooked the way it used to be. Their crust is now too thick and they don't put enough toppings on the pizza. Also, my husband went to Barney's and got a slice of pizza and when he went to eat it he saw a dead roach that was cooked into the pizza! So disgusting I will never eat from there again! Don't waste your money!!

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    Terrible cheap poorly made food.  Even worse service.  Even Management has horrible service skills.  Do not bother.

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    Food was okay.  They have now moved their prices downward to compete with Little Cesars Pizza.

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    I'm bumping Barney's up to 5 stars after my past interactions with them last week.  Talking to them on a cell phone that kept losing service, and running all around the building trying to confirm orders and get money, the guy on the phone wasn't just patient with me, he was understanding and just plain nice.
    Good service & friendliness goes a long way in my book.

    Pizza was delivered hot and on time.  WIthin a time span of barely 10 minutes, 4 jumbo  pizzas (at buy one get one free price) were completely devoured.  Well done Barneys.

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