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    Edible, but bland and lacking flavor. But the icing on the cake was the delivery service.

    Dear Delivery Guy: the reason you had to keep honking your horn outside my door to get my attention is because I didn't realize it was you. I'm not accustomed to having delivery drivers honking incessantly to get their customers' attention. So here's a suggestion for the future:


    That's what it's there for. That's what every other delivery driver since antiquity has done when they're delivering something to me. If you're confused about which house is mine, call the phone number I provided when I placed my order. But don't sit outside my house and honk your horn until someone finally comes out to figure out why some asshole is leaning on his horn all day.

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    Great pizza, great service, fast delivery, hands down the best dining experience in Hermosa! Love those guys!

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    WORST service ever. After a day sick in bed, not wanting to cook, the last thing i want to do is be yelled at by a delivery man. First he comes to the door and very aggressively scolds me for having forgotten to specify which floor of my building I live on. He then hands me my food and says "ok you're supposed to tip me now". I had paid through paypal and thought I was able to tip using the website since I dont have any cash. He then proceded to yell at me for about 5 minutes about tipping. I always tip, it was an honest misunderstanding and I do not appreciate being berated by person delivering my food. I will not be ordering from Bravo's again. Maybe if the food was good, but a scolding and a soggy burger are both things I can do without.

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    This place is hard to beat for standard, square cut, thin crust pizza with some RC thrown in for free.  You know what I'm talking about.  Sometimes, that's the thing you want.  And these guys do that thing really well.  Always hot and well made.  A cut above the average mom and pop place.

    And here's the bonus: the thin crust pizza is 2 for the price of one all of the time.  I'm sure they're not losing money on this deal, but the math works out pretty well, especially if you're feeding a family!

    They're also a taqueria, but I've never had any of the mexican food.

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