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    I've been swinging by here on Sunday because they host charity poker. If it wasn't for that, I really wouldn't swing by here.
    The building used to house a banquet hall and when you come in here it looks like the management doesn't know what to do with the extra space.

    The matrons here are nice, but it seems like the too tight jeans that cause the muffin tops, constricts all the blood that would go into their heads.

    One matron has my eye but totally biffed when I asked for a Magner's. She had to ask other patrons at the bar what it was and took her time getting it for me. I came back and had asked for a Zywiec. She didn't know what it was and gave me a High Life instead....I told her that I wanted the Z beer and she scoured the ice boxes for it. She found it but gave it to me with a huge *hair flip* attitude.

    2.50 for PBR, High Life, Lite etc.
    3.50 for Magner's, Zyweic, Heines.

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