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    This is the only place me and my husband order from now. Their portions are huge and unlike other Chinese restaurants near us they give you so much meat instead of filling space with vegetables. Once when we ordered from Grubhub, grubhub screwed up and lost our order. Even though it wasn't china woks fault they personally called me the next morning and delivered us our order for free and apologized. They even remember that my husband is allergic to shrimp and called me back once after ordering to ask if I wanted a different kind of soup because the one I ordered came with shrimp. There is a Chinese restaurant

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    Great food, they serve ALOT of it.

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    Amazing Sesame Chicken! And Crab Rangoon!
    Worth the drive from where ever you live! Great food and staff is super friendly!!!

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    I was not only highly disappointed in the food here but also got into quite a confrontation. I went with a friend and we both got chicken with rice and veggies. Her chicken was supposed to be grilled but it was such a high ratio of fat that it looked battered - if that makes any sense.
    When we brought this to the lady's attention she got rude and huffy. I politely but with a look of shock asked her to either remake my friend's dish or to provide something else. She flat out refused. We got into a debate as to what quality chicken is. When it got heated enough the cook had to come out  things calmed down - momentarily. The woman kept making snide comments under her breath until I told her I wasn't talking to her anymore and to shut the F@#%## up. The cook then got upset, possibly understandably, and asked what kind of chicken I'd prefer. At this point both my friend and I were so disturbed by their lack of common sense and acknowledgement that the chicken was of horrible quality that we quit the issue and left. Don't expect quality food here or quality service. SUCKS!

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