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    Dont get the stars wrong but the pizza is delicious. ordered a Stadium size pizza for my whole family the lady seemed annoyed ever since the beginning when i called for my order. I decided to changed to two large pizzas so i called back and told me it was too late. I let it be, perhaps my pizza was getting prepared already.

    She also told me that it was going to be 40min to one hour.

    i received my pizza  almost two hours later, when i came down to pick it up it was some bummy gangbanger with his pants touching the ground and not shaved. really dirty. he told me he needed to see my CC so i went back upstairs to get it. when i came down my pizza was on the floor and he was on his phone. like seriously the cement is cold.

    when my family digged in, i was getting complained that why would i pay so 50 dollars for a pizza that was cold. i called back and they hanged up. wouldn't answer my call anymore.

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