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    Utensils dirty as shit. Bitch didn't understand something we ordered on the menu because "nobody ever orders that" ok well bitch thank you for telling me that in a condescending manner like I give a fuck. Everybody here act super negative which is understandable but shit don't take it out on the customer who didn't do shit to you. Don't really know how to describe my experience here other than eating at a cafeteria run by a bunch of rude retards.

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    One of the worst experiences I have ever had at a Restaurant. And ok, I know it's Denny's and I know this place is in the middle of nowhere; but I don't expect to be treated like crap by multiple servers.

    I am a pescetarian and that means I don't eat meat outside of fish. Apparently, this didn't fly at Denny's on my way back from SF. I ordered a veggie burger and was immediately asked "if I was on a diet". Which when I told the server that I was actually a vegetarian she seemed legitimately confused. Ok, that's fine; it must not be common in Lost Hills.

    So then we get our food. I have a burger that looks to be beef and so I immediately ask the server "are you sure this is a veggie burger"? She responds without hesitation - "definitely". I thought, well maybe this is just a really good imitation patty. So I decide to taste a bit and have my friend taste some. It's definitely beef. When the server came back I told her that it was beef and "I don't eat this". So she takes the burger back without apologizing and is visibly annoyed. I then get my new veggie burger from another server who asked me "why I would have the nerve to give her co-server a hard time". I explained that I didn't give her a hard time and actually she served me something that I didn't ask for and then didn't answer my initial question correctly. This woman then proceeded to argue with me about "not being rude" and meanwhile not one person apologized about serving an actual burger to a vegetarian.

    What made matters worse is that nothing was done to our check and the manager did not even get involved. I ended up paying for this terrible experience and my only recourse was to not tip the cowardly server. When the manager checked us out at the end, he didn't even ask if we enjoyed our meal or anything about the service when we didn't give a tip. I was under the impression this must be quite common.

    So yeah, if you want to eat at a place where the service argues back to customers and the people that work there are frankly stupid, then stop at Denny's on your next trip.

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    On our way to Magic Mountain and we needed to stop for some breakfast. The food was surprising flavorful, the staff was very friendly and the service was quick! Best of all...CLEAN BATHROOMS!

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    I won't bore you with an incredibly long story, so to make it short - they got our order wrong, a couple things never came out - the stuff that did come out came out at different times, the food was not good, and not to mention took FOREVER and all we ordered was soup and french fries - our garlic bread and gravy ordered never came. The restrooms were 'closed for cleaning' the entire time we were there. When we finally went up to ask for our bill we were charged for more than we ordered. I'd rather eat a bag of chips from the gas station than eat here.

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    Food: Stale fries, order missing the onion tangles noted on the menu, watery ranch dressing
    Service: leaves a lot to be desired. Food served without silverware, had to ask for the dressing that was supposed to come with the salad, fork looked unclean like it had lipstick on it.

    Will try to avoid this Denny's on future drives down I 5

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    Ordered coffee with food, while pouring cream found chewed gum in creamer. Manager could could care less absolutely appalling. No compensation/apology. Did not feel comfortable eating food as it could have been tampered with as well. Walked out. DO NOT EAT HERE, DISGUSTING!

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    This place is not worth of the name Denny's which isn't all that great to begin with....THIS place is beneath them. We were stuck in holiday traffic so stopped in to stay at the days inn in the same parking lot (very creepy hotel). There was fast food or Denny's so we chose Denny's for dinner. It was horrible and poor service but I thought surely they wouldn't screw up breakfast so we ate there again before hitting the road. Same poor service with a different server...she, like our evening server managed to get a very simple order wrong  & parts of our meals came out at a time so everyone ate something cold. I'm not a fast food fan but I'd recommend any of the nearby fast food joints over this place.

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    Go to taco bell.

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    Dear Denny's server,

    I'd NEVER give a place that serves breakfast all day less than four stars. Seriously. Breakfast is what they serve in heaven, and I love, love, love it.

    But please don't hand me a delish looking omlette with hasbrowns on the side, gracefully draped with two giant strips of bacon when I requested the VEGGIE skillet and then defiantly pull out the menu to read the description to me.

    I know this is Denny's and I can't really expect "service" per se, but perhaps you could pretend that you DON'T hate your job, instead of walking back to the kitchen with my botched order, muttering Spanish curses under your breath?

    I also suggest you keep a little notebook on you, it would help immensely to bring out correct orders to your patrons if you could jot them down quickly so you don't try the mental gymnastics that serving two whole tables (of 2 each) must entail. It may also be helpful to write little notes to yourself "Don't forget hashbrowns with the meal." "Don't put meat on hashbrowns since the patron asked for a VEGGIE meal." You know, things of that nature...

    As a last favor, maybe you could learn to refer to the menu items by their displayed name, instead of calling the pomegranate smoothie, the "blueberry shake" which makes me want to ask you three times to confirm the beverage I will receive when you surface from behind the counter again.

    Your new menu was a work of art though - very beautiful and colorful. The pomegranate shake was delightful. I will be back, don't worry. Breakfast food = Perfection.


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    Driving through on Memorial Day weekend. It was a decent stop for a quick meal.

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    Standard Denny's.  Steak and eggs - ok - not outstanding.  A good rest stop between CA Hwy 99 and Hwy 101.  Miles to go before I sleep, mile to go ... .

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    I great stop for Dinner!

    Driving home from norcal and it was around 8pm getting hungry, exited here and saw this right from the exit ramp.

    The service was very quick and orders were correct.  They ran out of vegetable beef soup... this place is open 24hrs, how can they ran out?  Shouldn't they have them in kegs in the back?!?

    I tried out their new Ultimate Skillet... and it was pretty good!  I felt like it was more on the healthier side.  Maybe not in a big way, but it had a good mix of vegetables.

    One good thing about this location is that its next to a Loves gas station!  Awesome prices!!!

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    Awesome that they are open 24 hours a day!

    I was here late near midnight and the place was still packed, and the service was great (probably because of all the tips), food was still fresh (I think they just get them from nearby farms).

    Another good plus is the location, it's next to Valero Gas and off the I-5 freeway.

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    Salad not fresh. Served room temperature.  Freshen it up and chill it! Next time,  I will goto McDonalds.

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    3 AM, 5 starving college boys driving from Berkeley down to SoCal...no cheap fast food chains open at this hour along Interstate 5, so we decided to stop by.

    I ordered a mushroom burger which came with fries. This came out to $9.52 after tax. The burger came after a fairly long wait (20+ minutes) and the cheese wasn't melted, and I seriously thought the mushrooms were imitation mushrooms. The patty was okay, but overall the burger was disappointing. My friend ordered a t bone steak and expressed disappointment. He also ordered an extra side of hash browns for $2something. He was also very disappointed in the portions of this side.

    I guess we shouldn't expect much from Denny's at 3AM, though...

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    I've come here several times though have never eaten anything, but I love this place. Why?

    Location, location, location!

    I always look forward to stopping here to have a wee every time I drive up to SF and back.

    I love my drives from OC to SF and I love the stretch of 5-46-110, and this is the perfect location for a pit stop. It's convenient, clean, and newly renovated.

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    Stopped here on the way up to Santa Cruz from LA. Friend was craving steak and only place open at 2am. When we came it was pretty empty only 2 other tables had customers so you would think service would be good. Wrong! The server wasn't as helpful as other Denny's I have been to. I had the chicken wings which i felt was a little more tangy than I am usually use to. Also ordered the pancake puppies (the ones with white and milk chocolate in the batter) YUM! probably only thing I enjoyed from my order. Server was not attentive at all; she was in the back doing who knows what considering after we got our meal we were the only ones left in the whole establishment.

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    Stopped here to stay at the Days Inn on our way back from SF to SD.
    Denny's was really the only choice for a beer or wine with dinner and a sit down restaurant.   I had no choice and have not eaten at Denny's for dinner in years and only for breakast when I am forced to.
    What a shock we had.
    I ordered a salad, Lemon pepper grilled tilapia with rice and tomato slices.  My friend had Mushroom swiss chopped steak with veg and mashed potatoes.
    My salad was really cold and delicious!!  Not just lettuce and a tomato but croutons, carrots, cheese, cucumber and more.  Excellent dinner salad!!   Our entrees where both delicous!   Boy, were we surprised !
    So....now I am going to try the same thing in a San Diego Denny's and see what happens!!

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    As we are on our way from the Bay to Socal, we were pretty hungry around 7 AM and since we were a large group we thought Denny's would be the place to get a quick bite and be in and out with no problem.  The place was not that packed being early on a Friday morning or so we thought. Once we finally got our order in, getting our drinks and food just became a chore. The drinks that were ordered were messed up and when we got our food, not only were the orders wrong in some instances, but we did even get some of the food that was suppose to be sandwhiches.  The thing that really hit the nail on the head was when my friend had grape stems in his breakfast with no grapes on it.  When we told the waitress she came back and asked if he would like 10% off. He was like no, how about taking it off.  The service was lackluster and the food was just ok.  This is one place we will be passing the next time we drive down to socal.

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    We ate here at Denny's for our dinner as soon as we arrived "in town." We checked into the hotel first and then walked on over to the diner (there was a row of shrubs demarcating the two property boundaries).

    The food is typical of any Denny's. However, we noticed they are now advertising a new to-go feature that we had considered for breakfast the next morning (in hindsight we should have done that). Anyway, the bleu cheese dressing had tons of bleu cheese chunks. Always a plus in my book. My hubby got the seasoned fries with his meal and they tasted just as good as the curly fries from Arby's. Don't think we'll be coming here on a regular basis, but the next time we drive up to Paso it's an option.

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    *phone rings, then picks up*

    Delores: Hello, this is Delores, Denny's Manager.

    Me: Hi Delores.  My name is Geoff and I ate breakfast at your restaurant about two hours ago.

    Delores: Yes?

    Me: In general our breakfast was fine [thinking but not saying: filling and inexpensive if also predictably rubbery] and our waitress was very nice.  

    Delores: Yes?

    Me: I'm calling because my wife and son, who shared the meat lover's slam, just threw up.  So of course they may just be getting sick or it may be something else, but I wanted to call and let you know so you could double-check your ingredients.

    Delores: Well sir, you say you had breakfast two hours ago, but food-borne illnesses take at least 20 hours to appear.  So it's not possible that you could have gotten sick here.

    Me: What?  20 hours minimum?  Come on Delores, now that's just not true.  You can get sick in 5 minutes if you eat the wrong thing.

    Delores: No no, the health department says it's a minimum of 20 hours.  You're wrong.

    Me: So now you're arguing with me?

    Delores: I'm not arguing with you.  I'm just telling you that you're wrong.

    Me: Okay. I was just trying to be a nice guy to let you know about this in case it was your problem.  Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't.  But now you're antagonizing me, so I am getting mad and I'm going to hang up.  Goodbye.


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    If anything I'd highly recommend eating at a Denny's along I-5 rather than stopping at the places which seem to be independantly run. At least here, we got a huge breakfast at a decent price. Although overly salty, my grand slam breakfast hit the spot at 11pm when we were just too tired to go any further, but wanted to keep driving a little longer.

    The service was excruciatingly slow at this time of night, but there was only one person in the kitchen and one behind the counter. There were 3 gals ahead of us getting take out and so we weren't seated until they had been taken care of. There was another diner in there besides us, but other than that, that was it.

    The food arrived and we devoured it because we were starving. Still, I was happy with it and it cost me less than $15 for 2 breakfasts, a juice and a coffee. Basically you get what you expect to get and for that, I think it's a good deal.

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