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    Excellent! Their location in West Humboldt Park leaves much to be desired (in safety terms) but their Pica Pollo (Fried Chicken) which comes in a large party plate with plantains was delicious. Waitress was very friendly and the "Domincan Horchata" was good but too sweet.

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    Food still great.

    Hours are sucky, i think they open whenever they feel like it...lol.

    Call before you go.

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    I came here on a rainy Friday night with a friend. Yelpers were raving about their Pica Pollo so that is what we ordered.

    I also ordered one of their fruit (non-alcoholic) drinks. I'm hard pressed to remember what it is but it really wasn't that special. I asked the waiter about the fruit drinks, asking what the differences are and he really couldn't tell me. He was at least able to tell me which one most people order.

    The music was insanely LOUD. We were the only table having dinner that evening. There was another long table playing cards and chatting it up which I'm assuming were the servers and their friends. Two HDTV's were showing wrestling and other sports events.

    Our food took FOREVER to arrive and the service was lousy. When I say FOREVER I mean around 45 minutes to an hour. That is ridiculous for a place that is not busy.

    Fried chicken really isn't my fare so I thought it was okay. It really doesn't look like your standard drumstick, wing, breast cuts - seriously strange cuts. The portion sizes were generous for the price (I believe it was $8 for a gigantic portion of food). It came with a salad which was okay.

    The neighborhood is a bit shady even for me. There were dudes holla-ing at chicks walking their babies across the street. Wow.

    Probably won't go back. Sorry!

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