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    When it comes to one of the best in the hood eats in town, I have to give it to the Firehouse Grill. Roosevelt Rd alone is home to power players like Turano Bread company, McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Burger King and more. However a family mom and pop business is much more my style.

    Firehouse Grill is Chicago style grub. Burgers, Gyros, Hot Dogs and Wings to name a few. I will tell you what though, Firehouse has some pretty tasty 1lb. Beef short ribs off the char-broiler. Fire cooked, flipped and smothered in the sauce.

    The fellas at Firehouse stand out the most in my opinion for their attention to detail.
    Management greets you properly then takes your order. Its a definite family vibe and that's important when spending your hard earn dollar.

    On side note do not leave without trying the Nachos with grilled chicken. Load them jalapenos while you are at it.

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    This place is near my work. I went in to get lunch and was pleasantly surprised.
    They had a wide selection of burgers and dogs.
    I got a cheeseburger and fries and a strawberry lemonade for under $6.

    There were a few tables inside to eat on and it was clean.
    Service was quick.

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