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    This is a place where everyone knows your name, its not for everyone. I live down there street from it, and most my family always went her so I have always gone there just to chat with friends for for a cheap yet fun bday party.

    Sometimes it gets a bit wild, but not often. Its a dive bar, not a classy place. If you want classy go to SF

    Drinks are strong, and cheap. All the bartenders are great, but the one young one who works mids... she sold me a drink thats she flat out told me she didnt know how to make, it  made me sick after 2 sips of it I asked for my money back and she was rude. But thank GOD I know the other workers and told them and got a free drink :)

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    Perfect spot to catch up with friends after a long day at the job. Low key and not too crowed. Nice variety of music playing at all times so every genre is happy.

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    This place is a chill spot to get a stiff drink and play some pool/hang out with friends. Its just your everyday old school bar with a couple of pool tables. I'm not sure when Kyrus (prior reviewer) was there but I think his story is completely bogus. There were as many black people as white people at this bar and whomever was feeding the juke box was really feeling the hip hop.

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    I think I went here before as I used to live down the street long time ago, and I knew the owner's kids but I'm not sure if this is the place!

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    Have not been there yet but drove past today. Saw one person say that it was like being in the south??? I'm a tiny black ( well, half black half white) girl, would you recommend this place? I love a good dive bar where i can just sit and drink be left alone when i need it.

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    If there were ever a place to get you paranoid, Green Lantern is it.

    Bar stop #2 had us pass this place more than once and once we stepped in we all wished we would've keep driving or just go back to pit stop #1. The whole place reeks of sketchy. The parking lot is not lit and with limited front lot parking and side parking in a tandem style fashion, we had hoped the interior and it's atmosphere more than made up for it. Unfortunately it did not.

    First off, where the hell are the windows in this place? This is a place where deals are to made and ex-husband's get whacked. I could not help but have my back toward my cousin and peer over my shoulder ever so often. There seemed to only be one entrance and exit since the second door was guarded by someone and each patron that entered and exited knew to use the same door as everyone else. Strange. We also took notice that were the only "diverse" group there as most, if not all of the patrons were Caucasian. However, as mentioned by other reviewers they sure loved the gangster rap and hip-crowd attire of sports apparel, baggy jeans and caps.

    We settled for beers and hung out talking amongst ourselves. The bartender was extremely helpful with our choice of drinks and even offered several samples (Krystal vodka tastes worse than rubbing alcohol. Everclear is way smoother if you could believe it). After spending a good hour there we decided it was best (if we wanted to stay alive) to leave.

    Note: dancing was discouraged here unlike stop #1

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    A traditional neighborhood bar, friends neighbors,  classic decor.

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    This place cracks me up..I love coming here because it is such a Dive... No windows...a awesomely cheesy piano bar! a foozball table and a crap ton of strong drinks! There is no tooth requirment, or dress code, and it's one of the few places you can find a hip-hop crowd in jerseys and baggy pant's share a pool table with a couple of red necks in wranglers! I F-ing love this place.

    I came here with a good friend after one of our close friends had killed him self, it was in the middle of the day during the week and I'm pretty sure we were the only ones there. We ended up playing sad songs on hte juke box, and crying and singing on the floor. After the song was over, the bartender looked over the bar and said in a very unamused tone "are you guys done..cause you need to get off the f-ing floor" It was Classic. She totally took care of us...but wasn't gunna put up with any crap! My friend and I still laugh about that moment!

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    This is my kind of bar. Strong drinks for cheap. There's usually not a lot of people in here so you can get your drinks pretty quickly. Not a lot of parking though, I'd guess you can fit 8-10 cars in the lot! I have had only one less than pleasurable experience here, the bar down the street had closed at midnight because they ran out of clean glasses(uh, ok) so the entire bar walked up the street to Green Lantern. We stayed there exactly one hour and they kicked everyone out because they too had run out of clean glasses. Really?!? However I highly recommend this bar if you enjoy going to dives, like me.

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    Good neighborhood bar, where people know your name. Good drinks, but not a party vibe, more of a laidback, chat with your friends vibe. Liked it a lot, and I will go back!

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    awesome drinks at a cheap price. But just so you know its mostly older people or underagers...and its a total dive bar. Not really my crowd but its got a couple pool tables and fooz ball. Very simple and chill. There is also a juke box so you can pick your songs. So if you want to get a good drink and to chat with your friends...why not check it out. But don't go to search out local hotties, or to dance. Have fun! :)

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