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    Over 2 hours for delivery! Driver got lost. Customer service is terrible and food, which use to be decent, now has very little flavor, half the portion size, and samosas have gone downhill. Find another Indian delivery place, this one is not worth it. New menu said the name is now Paprika...??

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    No. No. No.

    I like to think of myself as a loyal person. I'm loyal to my family, to friends, to my career......with that said, I am also loyal to restaurants and food establishments. Especially ones that offer take out/delivery.

    Since 2005, I have been ordering from the Indian Gourmet. They do an OK job with the good 'ol standards: Chicken Tikka Masala, Aloo Gobi, etc...... I like them more out of convenience since most Indian places do not deliver.

    Due to a move across country I was not able to order from them for a few years....until recently. Now that I am back in my beloved city, I thought that I would just pick up from where I left off.....Placed a call to the Indian Gourmet and waited for their food to grace my home once again.

    To my utter disappointment, the portions are about HALF the size they used to be - each dish was served in a container that was more for a SINGLE SERVING. I looked at my receipt, thinking that maybe they offered a smaller portion size and therefore charged less....NOPE! They charged the full price of over $12.00 each for an 8 oz container of Tikka Masala & Aloo Gohbi and another dish. I had no idea that they changed their portion sizes and therefore did not order enough food for all of my guest.

    My loyalty vanished quicker than the skimpy dishes that night. Sorry, Indian Gourmet. At this day and age there are WAY more better deals and even better quality food than what you are offering. I am taking my business and loyalty elsewhere.

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    We order delivery from Indian Gourmet all the time, and it's consistently delicious. The Lamb Madras is phenomenal; the Butter Chicken is also very good. The Kheer (rice pudding) is maybe the best I've ever had.

    The Naan is kind of strange; it's not like other Naan I've had, and it's not the best. It does come in a pleasing variety, though; I recommend the garlic, the onion, and especially the cheese Naan. Samosas are also excellent; I prefer the vegetable kind, but the meat ones are good too.

    It's definitely on the pricey side; a lot of the entrees are up around $15-$20. However, they're seriously enough for four meals. Not even exaggerating here -- the wife and I get one order of Lamb Madras and we both eat twice off of it.

    Also the guy on the phone is very pleasant. It's always the same guy. There's something comforting about this.

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