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    The food was very good, three of us had salads and one had a corn beef sandwich.

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    Where do you go when you are in Spring Lake MI? Was down there for a wedding. Jake's was the bar in our hotel. Apparently it is one of the only places in Spring Lake which is open late.
    The drinks : Ok, pretty watered down.
    The food: Bar food but the pita pizza was yummy... worth trying.
    The crowd: Older men wearing printed shirts. When I say printed I mean with palm trees, flowers and other assorted fruits. There was actually an older guy wearing a black and shiny gold shirt. I was amused!
    The music: Live music with a lot of 80's songs being played.

    Old guys moshing on the dance floor + alcohol = not a good idea.
    Definitely one of the more hopping places in Spring Lake which makes me feel a bit sad. Almost.

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