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    Overall weird. Beer was fine, sat here too eat some food from Billy Goats. Just odd.

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    Dude, do you like fruit flies buzzing in your beer?  perhaps they are waiting to dine in your wine?  I counted 5 on the beer sign while sitting waiting patiently for my flight.  I even tried to validate if they were coming from the salad place next door.  my honest opinion is that they are coming straight from the taps or the cut fruit at the bar.   couldn't be 100% sure from my vantage point.  limited seating here.  maybe 10 stools including the low riders.  personally I'd rather get a beer from billy goat and sit in the common area than have to swat the fruit bats, I mean flys away from my beverage here.  make the mad dash down the terminal to the new wine bar and consider yourself warned.  peace.

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    I'm never surprised, but always in awe that Terminal 1 in O'Hare is so bleak for food options. You'd think with almost every United flight coming through this place that they'd have some kind of incentive to bring in some decent food or perhaps have more than two super, super small bars on the very furthest ends of each terminal. For those of us who have a gate toward the middle, you can come into the "Jazz Bar" which is located right next to all the other food court options.

    Jazz Bar is far less bar and far more, counter. Or awkwardly high table, depending on what seat you get (see photos).

    Three beers are on tap - Bud, Bud Lite, Sam Adams. Yay....
    Bottles are better, and even include a few local favorites and yes, even Old Style, but that's about all there is. You'll sit in the middle of a sea of people scrambling to get food before their flight and if you stick around long enough you'll probably hear the old guy bartender talking about how, when his wife finds a pube in the shower she freaks out.

    Yeah, that happened.

    More inappropriate stories spewed forth after that so I attempted to tune out, finish off the expensive airport beer and get my ass out of Chicago.

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