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    While the food was very good...the waitress was downright surly.  I felt extremely unwanted and as if our request for a coke was just too much for her.  This place would get higher stars if it weren't for the waitress.  I will add, i've been here before and she was a bit nicer, perhaps she was too busy.  Whatever the reason, it totally affected my dining experience and I will try a different KBQ joint next time.

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    Even though my boyfriend and I poured a literal cauldron of hot broth on ourselves at this restaurant, we were still ecstatic because the food is so delicious.  Korean BBQ Restaurant is, surprise surprise, a Korean BBQ restaurant ... but Korean BBQ is so infinitely more sophisticated than American style barbecue, I am still in shock ... we were served the most delicious meat ever, cooked at our table ... a wonderful tofu mushroom soup, about 10 different types of pickled vegetables that all tasted different and completely amazing, OH!  And they have this incredible sake ... it is sort of like a sweet after dinner drink ... very, very GOOD.


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