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    Excellent authentic Mexican food. Great service too. Fish Tacos and Fajitas are delicious.

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    Hello Mexican Food!!!

    I could definelty eat mexican food every single day. It makes my belly happy. So lets get to the actual review. First this restuarant has fast service. They are almost immediately at your table with chips and salsa and the waiters quickly follow after. If I were you I would start off with the queso or the guac, either are delicious but I have to admit I would get the queso.

    Ok lets get to the entrees and drinks. First since we are eating mexican food lets get the margarita and not just the normal get the top self, way better. Then for dinner we can go with a couple of choices. I have about three that I rotate between but I have definitely tried more. The taco salad is very good. You know how you usually get this meal and the shell is still dripping in grease, well this is well dried off and very tasty. It comes with sour cream, guac, tomatoes, cheese sauce, lettuce, and your choice of beef or chicken, both good. Also the alcopoco enchiladas (sp is probably wrong sorry) are very good. They come with crab and shrimp, cheese inside, and I substitute the red sauce for verde (green ) sauce. Very good and makes it a bit spicier. Also comes with a side of rice, sour cream, guac. My third favorite is the chicken quesidillas. They are stuffed with tons of peppers, both red and green, and lots of chicken and cheese. They are never over cooked and always a little crispy on the outside, just perfect.

    If you are in Leavenworth for the day definitely check this place out, you will not be disappointed.

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    My girlfriend's family and I come here seemingly every week, always has great food and usually good service. My personal favorite would have to be the enchaledas de mesa.

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    Seriously this place only gets credit because they are still open for business... Which I can't comprehend. They don't have good service and worst of all... Frozen Mexican food you microwave is way better than this... sad excuse of a Mexican restaurant. I would think they would want to improve the quality of their food constantly.... But so many people I know will pick this depressing place over tampicos. Anyone who reads this should check out tampicos on Delaware st in leavenworth. I don't see you ever going back to this place if you do. This place could do with some improvement... At the very least they could fill up my water glass when it is empty... But lazy waiters don't cut it.

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    La Mesa is a pretty good Mexican restaurant.  It seems that every town has one, and Lansing is no exception.

    Both times I have  been here I have gotten very good service, and good, reasonably priced food.

    While La Mesa is not an exceptional restaurant by Mexican restaurant standards, I would say it's definitely on par with most of the sit-down Mexican places you'll find around.

    My meals both times were filling (brought some home one time) and tasty.  Not too spicy (I could use a little more spice, usually), but I bet you could ask for it to be ramped up if you wanted.

    Lansing really lacks restaurants, so I am sure I'll be back.  However, with Legends so close, I am going to frequent that area more.

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    I think this is the sister restaurant of the other La Mesa's around KC, but have not been to any, so don't quote me. This place is excellent.  The best part by far is the service.  Lunch they have your order taken and the food out within 10 minutes, every time.  Dinner, a tad longer, but still amazing service.  

    The decor is nothing special, but it is very clean.  They do have southwest hand painted chairs which I guess is nicer than the vinyl clad, metal framed numbers in most places.

    The food is pretty solid.  It is not the best Mexican food I have had, but could be the best value.  A large, full plate of food can be had for less than $10.  I have tried all the basic dishes and they are all solid.  So if you are looking for a good  chiminichanga and/or in a hurry, this is your place.

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