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    I am guessing this is a fairy new business. I wanted to check it out because they are so close to home. Well, all I can say is they have a long way to go to make a successful business.

    I ordered their hot dog special. I was told they were out of fries. I said "that's ok". Then I ordered a bowl of their lentil soup. They said they were out of lentil soup. I said "That's ok". I asked about their stew ... no stew. I said "That's ok". So in the end I had a hot dog and two tacos. It was ok... nothing to write home about.

    Christopher ordered a shawerma sandwich. No fries of course. What I liked was his sandwich was served on a roll. I am probably one of the only people on earth that doesn't like pita, so I thought it was a good thing.

    In the middle of our meal, they received a huge order of food supplies. This of course included fries, but also a lot of pita, so maybe he got the shawerma on a roll because they had no pita, who knows.

    The restaurant itself is very plain. With very little effort, they could make it cute and appealing, but I just got the feeling that nobody really cared all that much. Service was fairly indifferent and not particularly friendly. To top it off, when we went to pay, they did not have change for a $20. Christopher managed to dig up exact change, but I have to say, they seemed truly ill prepared for business. I wish them well, but they have a lot of work ahead of them

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