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    I attended a mixer held at Lounge 1110 last night to help support those that have been affected by the earthquakes in Chile.  A lovely local man put on this event which was very sucessful as this place was packed like sardines in a can.  It was happening and it showed that locals care and that they like to have a good time.  Local businesses also donated their services and items for the raffle... the upstairs was a bit dark (as lights on a string would have been nice if hung up in a classy way but I heard it could be a distraction/hazard to drivers passing by) but they had these great heat lamps that kept us warm (uber hot like don't get to close esp. if you a wearing a thin dress).  Although I didn't get to spend too much time downstairs since it was so busy, it looked hip and classy.  I loved the chandelier hanging in the back lounge-y area.  Sexy and just gorgeous!  Look forward to visiting and checking this place out on an eventless evening.

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    Came here for new years. I had alot of fun. This place is on top of the Inn at Del Monte. It has a awesome view of Monterey. The roof is pretty big and it had a great dance floor. Cant wait for more events to happen here! <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Flounge1110&s=52fe659d52ca455deb81709768201d1a52322c2bf493aae8b1f5656208496901" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.facebook.com/…</a>

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