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    Magic is the only reason I like to wake up on Sunday mornings.the absolute best cream of chicken soup i've ever tasted..staff is great, and it's open early just in time to pop in before church or after a really late night out!

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    The Magic. Ahh Yes.

    The name suits it well as the only possible way food this delicious could be made so quick and yummy.

    The must dabble in the dark arts in the kitchen. They have a staff of wizards and warlocks that conj-ours up spells to deliver the worlds most delicious pancake breakfast.

    I'm not kidding, they have my favorite pancakes of all time. The food is delicious and the staff is sweet and inviting.

    It has an excellent assortment of old people eating hilarious old people food, (Liver and Onions, Crepes, Meatloaf, Mini Boxes of Cereal) and young people getting down on some delicious skillets, pancakes and french toast.

    Outside of my friends and family, The Magic is the best thing in Mount Greenwood.

    Eat there and enjoy the wonders of life, that being wonderful pancakes.

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    While I'm on the subject of places my family used to eat after church I might as well meander over to the Magic Snack Shop.

    If you think this location gets crowded and tough to get into around noon on a Sunday then you obviously don't remember the old spot on 103rd street near Pulaski (the building was torn down for that CVS that's there now).  The place literally had five booths and a six person counter.  The cook (and there was only one) was kind of a horse's ass and wait times could stretch into the HOURS yet people put up with it.  

    Why?  I'll quote my dad; this guy literally knows every fucking greasy spoon, little sandwich shop and cozy diner in the entire city of Chicago.  Also, and most likely consequently, he's a big man that loves his food.  "Magic has the best corn beef hash I've ever eaten" says Big Jim.  That's a pretty high compliment.  As for myself I stick to the skillets; I can't quite claim they're the best ever but they rank well up there.

    Quality hasn't dipped in years and I don't see that happening in the near future.  I love this place and will even put up with  waking up early on a Sunday morning every once and awhile to make it in.

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    This place used to shine like a beacon to me as a reward when I worked midnights.  Located in a strip mall, it's small, a little tight, and definitely not stylish.  The crowd is very local to Mount Greenwood, with regulars seated at the counter, and waitresses are of the no-bullshit variety.  The "Mary Omelette" (no olives, please) is my choice, but the word on the street is that their corned beef hash is the best anywhere.  My brother definitely thinks so.

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    I love the Magic Restaurant! The BAC staff eats here ALL the time! In fact, we had it for lunch two days ago! Their omelettes are delicious and their staff is really nice. They always have the food ready really fast and they are very willing to hang the BAC's posters for our events.

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