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    My family only uses Mama Mia's as a last resort.

    Food: The food is ok. The pizza is just blah. Nothing special but not bad. A frozen pizza is better. The pasta is NOT good. The chicken is basically like the little round nuggets you got in school. The cheesecake is still frozen when you get it.

    Prices: Prices are a little high. I know specialties are higher but $9 for a SMALL meat lovers is a little high. A 2-Liter is $2.49 an a can drink is $1. My last order was a large cheese, small meat lovers, slice of cheesecake, a 2-liter an it was $33 an some change.

    Delivery: No matter what there is a charge. I live at the most 1/2 a mile an they still charge a fee. I know I could drive but my hubby ha the car an I promised the kids pizza.

    Overall: Mama Mias is OK but never my choice.

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