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    Went here for after-work drinks on the urging of a co-worker. It's definitely swankier looking than our usual haunt, and the prices reflected it. $8 for a glass of house red, $9 for a mixed drink.  Granted the well vodka is Grey Goose... but does it *need* to be?

    A few of my co-workers were upset that the bar wasn't stocked with limes for their drinks, and there wasn't any sort of vegetarian item on the bar menu other than a side of fries. I'm sure this place is hopping on the weekends when they crank the techno, but I'll be headed back to our old stomping grounds in the future.

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    I could not believe how large this place is, and even better that there are themed rooms. We had our own private section in the room that had a lot of red lighting and several fireplaces on the wall. The room across from it had an ice bar, I believe it was called, and seems to be the biggest room in the place. It wasn't that crowded, but then again, there might have been a lot of people, just all spread out over the entire place. I would like to go back on a weekend when there are more people & djs.

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    The martini club has been open on and off for lunch for the last few years and I was surprised to see it was open again.  I stopped in for their delicious red borscht with tiny pierogie and found that the menu had completely changed.  Perhaps management has changed but certainly they have a new chef.  The menu is no longer focused on Polish foods but more on Italian/Bar/Sushi... strange.  

    Against my better judgement I got the seared Ahi Tuna.  It came seared to death with way too many sesame seeds crusted all over what looked like a stick of tuna.  I couldn't taste the tuna at all and I couldn't help imagining that this treatment of a beautiful product had to be there to hide less than fresh fish.  I didn't get sick but I was worried.  The rest of the menu just didn't interest me so I won't be back.

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    Came here because of the Groupon. We had went around 6pm on a Sunday, so I suppose that this review focuses more on the food and drink, and less the experience later in the evening. That said, I can't imagine paying a $15 cover. (and a $25 posted minimum for credit cards? our tab exceeded that, but not after the Groupon.)

    We were the only ones in the front bar. Completely dead. With that, you think the service could have been more attentive than what it was.

    The martinis were okay, but honestly nothing special, and they are $10 a pop, too. The food is what makes this a 2 star review instead of 1 star. I honestly really enjoyed my mini burgers, and the big one comes on a pretzel bun. I don't think the food was enough to get me to come back, though. And a big disappointment: the sushi isn't available until 8pm.

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    they had a flyer on facebook saying it was NO cover before 11, me and my girl went at 9:30 they where trying to charge $15 a person they were telling me to prove it (the flyer on facebook) then they were trying to tell us that was last week. They finally let us in moved twice cause after we sat down they told us this table is reserved. Oh and they are limited on beer, and bottle WATER costs $5 WTF

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    Everything a Polish disco should be complete with trance/pop music, pseudo mobsters, and disco balls. Wear your best club gear. The bathroom near the entrance was clean, black and silver tile throughout, no vomit :)

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    4 Stars instead of 5 do solely to the fact that the women's bathroom was one of the most repulsive things I have ever seen to date (And I saw the most recent Jackass movie).

    Seriously ladies (or should I say animals?). If all you're doing are drugs and drinking WAY too much for your little anorexic bodies or doing loads of roofie coolattas - even STILL!!!! Pick a few stalls!! And leave the rest to us normal- bathroom- use- gals...

    Just a friendly reminder that even though your f***ked up, doesn't give you to right to make sick all over a public rest room. I didn't appreciate the no locks on the stall doors(seriously?) , the VOMIT all OVER the floor or the folks who I can only HOPE were doped up cuz the way you broke that soap dispenser off the wall, thought it was the funniest thing ever,  then acted like you didn't..... BRAVO, you obvious-classy-whore....Where was I? Oh right..

    There were sticky floors in the one room with the pool table. But other than the horrendous ladies room, I enjoyed everything about this club, the nooks and crannies, the music, the people, the parking, everything!

    What I saw/explored: 1 lane bowling alley, 3 dance rooms (maybe 4)-all different themes and music and smells, 1 nice restaurant at one end, a sushi bar at the other!!  This place was awesome to run around all night.  Not sure about the prices but if it caters to mostly euros, then expect an overpriced, drunk experience.  

    ...I wonder if it ever closes........

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    It would be great if it wasn't for the disco balls, lasers, and trance music.

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    I'm sorry, but I think even if Martini Club paid me the $15 cover... you still couldn't get me to go back. This is the kind of place where people pay to valet park their car when there is a parking spot right in front of the club... just to show off. Yes, I saw it happen and then I parked in the front spot.

    I went on a Saturday night at got there at about 11pm and the place was DEAD. There were a couple creepy old men and some girls (I take that back... some were too old to be called girls...) wearing dresses that did not cover the areas it was meant to... actually I think they were really wearing shirts and forgot their pants. To add to this the air conditioning was on so high it was blowing my skirt up Marilyn Monroe style. I had goosebumps so bad they hurt and I was too cold to even drink my drink! The guys were wearing much too tight t-shirts with tacky print and too much hair gel... oh yes and there were guys "wearing their sunglasses at night".

    People started showing up after midnight but by then I had had enough... so many people there were so coked up it was making me nervous (again.. yes I know this happens at clubs but this was to the extreme).  I actually heard from a friend who is a local cop that a girl got assaulted by multiple guys right next to the club so if you are a girl... please don't leave here by yourself!

    The waitresses were rude and I think this is partially because we were not polish as many other reviews stated. When my friend I was meeting arrived who is Polish... we were no longer ignored and got immediate service... and much better tasting drinks!
    Oh and major creepy factor... the bathroom stalls do not have locks... not somewhere I wanna be peeing when I drunk girl comes busting in!

    If you do decide to go here after reading this review... don't say I didn't warn you!  The only good thing about this club is that there is definitely not a shortage on people matching material :)

    Ugh worst night of my life... I was tempted to ask for my money back!

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    If  you like to get your pants on the ground then this is the place. Oh yes if you are polish you will be treated like a ROCK STAR. However if you are Irish like me then the waitress over looks you and goes for the polish people. Anyways the food was really good ,but the vip section was WAY too small the dance floor was the best part that is one place you can be the next DANCING WITH THE STARS. Watch out the woman there all have an eye for only polish guys Now i known what it means to feel weird around people. Everyone looks like there from Jersey shore and like to FIST PUMP UP THE CLUB. If you like polish euro music this place is for you.

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    I am taking that second star back. I forgot to mention that the cover was $15 which is super lame. Especially since our server spilled some of my drink on me and didn't comp it. Really?! Lame.

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    My friend and I found this place after looking at a couple of the reviews posted here. Got there around 11:00p.m. Felt a bit out of place for all of the people that were speaking languages other than English. Like Sammy said, didn't really like paying a cover of $15. I enjoyed the music which was techno, dance, trance and hip hop with different mixes  depending on the room you were at. The crowd was around the 20's-40's.    I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys good music, an energetic crowd and that's open minded to a totally different culture.

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    Came here for a friend's birthday in the "Sexy, Red Room". (my friend being Polish, of course.) It would've been more fun if we didn't get there so damn early. Me and a few friends tried to make it before open bar ended.. we ended up arriving an hour before. We suckkk! :(
    This place is fun, trendy, and huuuge. This is the biggest club I've been to so far. The decor is AWESOME. Everything was red, black, and white.
    The only thing I really didn't like about this place was the cover price. 15 dollars?!?? WTF!? I would never decide to just walk in there and pay that much. Since it was for my friend's birthday, I did.
    The drinks were good. Normal priced like every other over priced place in Chicago.
    It's hard to believe that this place used to be a mucky, old bowling place. Seriously, I haven't been to a club this nice before. The seats, the pooltable, and the (tinyasfuck) dancefloor gave this place a combination of a restaurant/billiard/club feel. That's probably what I loved most about it. The fact that they serve food when drunk people are "walking" (more like stumbling) around is pretty awesome. Major props to the servers who have to deal with that.
    Though I didn't have any of the food, it looked really yummy. If/whenever I get the chance to go back, I'm FO SHO trying the food. Maybe I'll even step on the dangerous side and try a drink other than my usual diet coke and vodka.
    The bar has shaved ice on it to keep your drinks nice and cold. Genius idea.
    The crowd was 99% Polish. Many need help dressing themselves or maybe just need to look in a mirror before leaving the house. Staff was nice and attentive.
    Parking was an easy find. There's a garage nearby along with meters along the street.
    I enjoyed this place. Lower the damn price and I'll be back. :)

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    This is one of the boldest renovation jobs I've ever seen in Chicago.  It took just a couple of years to convert a rickety bowling alley (Manor Bowling) to a nightclub for the well-heeled Polish population in the area.  The bar in front somehow reminds me of the castle in the original Nintendo Castlevania- super high hammered tin ceiling (30 feet?) and ornate curtains to match, the gigantic-est mirror I've ever scene, exposed brick, a huge custom-made wood bar.  Like clubs in Krakow, there's a warm reddish glow to the whole place, and the chairs are set in pairs at small tables throughout- making this ideal for an intimate date.  The "bowling alley" is just a couple of short lanes squeezed into a cozy alcove on the north side of the club.  The bar fare is fairly standard (cheeseburger, chicken sandwich), but they've recently added a sushi bar that kicks in at 8 pm (the only in the area as far as I know) which in itself makes this place worth a visit.  Poland's best (Zywiec) is on tap alongside Ireland's best (Guinness), both in front of the kind of vodka selection you'd expect from a Polish club (Chopin, Zubrowka, etc.).

    I miss Manor Bowling, because it was the only alley where the laws of physics were violated on a regular basis and being terrible was an actual advantage.  But I'll be back here for sushi & vodka.

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    This place was alright, i wasn't too impressed with the music and the employees don't treat you very nicely but the place has its good points. For one, $5 martinis before 10(although i dont know if this was a saturday only thing or not) and my tiramisu martinis were quite delicious. it seems a lot of older men like this place, which is creepy, lol. i wasn't a fan of the overall atmosphere of this place, but i can definitely see appeal for some. worth a try--get there early for the shorter lines and the cheaper drinks. But it seems almost not worth it with the $15 cover. lame.
    omg, i just remembered--HORRIBLE, horrible bathroom situation--2 stalls for the women? come on! seriously, what an oversight. it was like battle royale trying to get a stall. whoever thought that this was adequate for a place this large should be shot, then fired. and, by the end of the night there was a mysterious flooding in the womens bathroom. gross.

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    I went here for a holiday party and have to say I actually really enjoyed myself.  The place is MASSIVE, I believe 4 different bars?? And each with a different style.  Basically, if you can stand the hike out there, you can essentially spend the entire night in one place.  I really liked the decor...very reminiscent of bars in Vegas.

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    i couldn't decide between 3 and 4 stars, so i went with the lower rating because i know as time goes on the novelty of the place will wear off. first things first: i've read the other martini club reviews, and i'd like to inform everyone that english is spoken here and not everyone that works here is polish.
    next, the layout is awesome. just awesome. kinda south beachy, kinda rive gauche-y (woo! remember that?) the bar is made of ice (crushed ice to keep your martinis nice n chilled), the bathrooms are just FUN (a weird statement i know; but i'm referring to decor), the service was good.  i couldn't get over the overwhelming smell of french fries everywhere i went, but food IS served and there are several rooms to enjoy it in.  
    I really can't describe this club/bar/bowling alley??? it totally shocks me that such a place of this caliber exists here; it just seems so out of place...but i WILL be back to try those martinis...all 40 of them.
    word to the wise: i guess only half the space is used on fridays and saturdays after 9:00 there's a crazy cover charge (FIFTEEN DOLLARS!!!). that's what ultimately led to my 3 stars...i mean, 15 bucks is cool downtown but HERE??

    anyway, give it a try next time you feel like skankin it up at a club but don't wanna go downtown

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