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    ZERO STARS - I'm sorry to say that any person in their right mind should avoid this venue. I took my sister here for her bachelorette party and spent over a hundred bucks and planned on buying many more drinks - for some reason, things went sour when one of the bridesmaids asked for water. The bartender - Bonnie - suddenly snapped at this request and verbally attacked me, complaining that I had only left a 2 dollar tip so far... I was going to give her a 100 dollar tip at the end of the night!! I was totally shocked and offended that she thought I was NOT going to tip her, and immediately walked out the door due to her lash out. She responded by signaling for the ENTIRE PARTY to be kicked out, and completely lied about the situation. Shortly later I returned asking to inform the manager of the issue. The security was immediately very rude for no reason. I patiently waited outside to speak to managers, and for some reason security started threatening me and instigating for cops to threaten to ARREST ME! When I finally was pointed in the direction of the 2 managers - by regular customers looking to be helpful - they were shockingly incredibly rude for NO REASON. They did not apologize or offer resolution whatsoever before walking off. The cops responsible for moving along the drunk customers began harassing me - threatening arrest for NO REASON and accusing me of things I did not do. Furthermore, I was outside the venue and a security guard forcefully shoved me. They have every right to move along the crowd, but I was NOT inside the venue or in front of the doors - it was complete harassment by extremely rude men against a 115 pd woman for NO REASON. What should have been a simple provision of feedback that should very realistically be considered, turned out to be verbal attacks, threats, and physical harassment. They were literally creating lies of what went down and instigating my arrest (which did not happen, empty threats) while totally oblivious to even the slightest notion of nightclub courtesy. A security guard was threatening to kill us all!! I did not feel safe but was standing up for myself. I was not part of the intoxicated crowd on the street, and he had no reason to threaten my life.  The cops were very strange, some were neutral and even kind and others were joining in on threats and cursing at me, because the staff at OSPREY instigated such treatment. Are you kidding? All because this bartender Bonnie was really cranky and ASSUMED I wasn't going to tip her. I have never been so appalled by a nightclub in my life, and my party of 7 including locals were equally shocked and appalled. STRANGEST WORST NIGHTCLUB EXPERIENCE EVER. I honestly I did not mean to cause trouble and have no clue why this club is so abusive. Much more feedback to be reported - But I see this venue does not have much of a following anyway so this is as much detail as I'll go into on facebook and yelp... Get your venue together or shut down... Venues are meant for entertainment, not brutally disrespecting people.

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