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    Shepherds pie is awesome. Probably the only ACTUAL Irish pub in Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Little River. This isn't a bar with cardboard clovers on the wall. They have an Irish menu and a beautiful dining room. Their lunch menu is just smaller versions of their dinner entrees. The clientele is a mixture of golfers who just finished their round and southern locals who bitch about PBR being 2 whole dollars. But, you ARE in South Carolina, so you'll have this everywhere you go. You ought to get punched in the face for ordering PBR in an Irish pub anyway, but I'm sure the owner has a mortgage to pay, so you gotta keep the hicks happy.

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    Pat & Mike's Irish Pub seemed much better when they were a little dive a mile or so up the road (before they moved into this much larger building). They are quite busy but this consists mostly of a bar crowd of retired yankee patrons and golfers. You will hear few southern accents here. This place could be in New Jersey.

    The food is decent but nothing great nor memorable. They used to make a great Reuben sandwich but it just isn't as good as it used to be. The atmosphere is rather dull and somewhat reminiscent of something from the 70s. Despite their popularity among a certain crowd (probably regular bar patrons), I just don't see the appeal.

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