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    HOLY S#$% I love this place!! We have been to Santa Cruz a bazillion times and this bar never came up on Yelp until this last trip and I am so happy it did!
    Walking in, it was seriously like I was stepping into a bar in Ireland. I've seen my fair share of pubs in Ireland so this qualifies me as what I like to consider "an expert." That being said- the music-fun, the tables and benches- nostalgic, the patrons- fun and welcoming!
    The owner was working and he is completely in the right profession for his personality. He obviously loves people and chatting with them and it shows. He cares about each an every patron in there and wants you to have to best beer or cider for your taste. He was buying birthday drinks for peoples 21st. This guy is smart!
    They are beer, wine, and cider only so it makes for a nice night out with hopefully no hangover tomorrow. For this old lady that sounds niiiice.

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    There's a definite change in the clientel since I used to go to this place. I think it used to mostly be old dudes and the most out of touch pretentious literature students from UCSC. I remember the weirdo in my politics classes who was double-majoring in creepiness and long black dusters was always drinking here leering at unfortunate girls who wandered in. But even then it wasn't a bad low key bar.

    I went back here this last weekend and found it much improved on a Saturday night. You know more normal people. The crowd was significantly younger than it used to be and there were a lot less scarves, newsy caps, and irony-less tacky glasses. It's beer strictly but they have a good selection and a pretty nice set-up for conversation as long as it's not open mic night.

    The abundance of dart boards and flying projectiles seems to encourage a level of soberness greater than other downtown bars. Jagerbombs will have to be saved for the Blue but if you're trying to avoid reckless drinking this might be a good spot.

    Avoid the middle aged blond in the black dress sitting by herself at the bar, or don't if that's your kind of thing I guess.

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    Kind of a dreamy old place. Helpful people, great beer.

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