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    This place has illegal written all over it. Ladies of the night bartending, drinks outside, hells angels, nothing up to code (so it looks). The regulars stare you down and check out your lady. No one in there has a stomache smaller than Santa. The women are dressed slutty, acting slutty, and getting explicit with males (or females). We had one drink and left. The place is a dump and you will find no respectable people there. I honestly can not believe that place has not been raided yet. Enter at your own risk.

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    Perhaps you've heard of the famous Chicago area singer Jan Terri? Well, she filmed her 1993 hit song "Baby Blues" at the Possum Pub.

    Any establishment that hosted Jan Terri has to be at least 20 billion stars.

    <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3DGsw9mVzfZrA&s=2e1daac16a33ec58affeaae3e1a8f51af8134078586f20107e10bf35b3c04b58" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/w…</a>!

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    This place was a dump and in the late eighties and Nineties it had a hillbilly crowd. I was there recently and it looks like another dive bar the young folks have taken over. It has a unique layout and nice private seats away from the bar. It has bad bar food and small TV screens. I like it because it doesn't try to be too fancy and in this stylish day of age it is nice to see a bar just rtry to be a bar. Drinks are cheap and all ages are still welcome.

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