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    great burgers, big and cheap.  Been going to eagle inn for 20 years and will never go back there again. You won my business.    I was surprised how big the burger was for the price. The same price elsewhere gets you half the thickness.   It was a bit slow for there only being two tables.   2 of us at our table.

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    Blech! What a miserable experience. Dropped in for lunch recently and waited 45 minutes for a crappy fish sandwich and a burger. The place was only half full. The waitress never came and asked if we needed anything (and I would have killed for another Coke considering I drank my first waiting for our food. I ended up chewing my ice for a refreshment.) but found it easy to deliver us a side of snotty b1tch. Some guy walked in 10 minutes AFTER WE ORDERED, ordered his food, ate it and left before our food even showed up. WTF? Terrible, terrible, terrible restaurant. Oh, and the food sucked. The good news was that I wasn't buying. : )

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    This place rocks.  The scene is old time Wisconsin bar with food.  And oh that food, abs delish.  Burgers are wonderful, lots of paneling, wonderful fries and no tude.

    Love it.

    And oh so Wisconsin!

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    The Press Box is one of those "don't judge a book by the cover" experiences. Also, don't judge the book by flipping through the pages. I hate sports bars and in general find nothing in common with the patrons of sports bars. But when passing through Sauk City, there are not too many options, unless you want to get a heat lamp sandwich from Kwik Trip, or a salty taco at La Mexicana, or a limp thin burger at the Eagle Inn, or an overpriced yuppie appetizer at the Blue Spoon.
    I became familiar with the Press Box years ago one day out of desperation when I could not find an alternative while passing through Sauk City. The food was reasonable and well prepared, but I could never get used to the smoke, and after a number of visits, decided not to return while the smoking problem persisted.
    After a few years away, I went back again while passing through town. Now the smoking ban is in place, and I could eat without breathing someone's second hand smoke.
    I won't comment much on the atmosphere because it is not my bag. Sports decorations. The patrons are the ones you might expect in a sports festooned bar. I don't judge them, they do need some place to congregate. I didn't get any warm fuzzy feelings from the clientele, but I wasn't exactly exuding love vibes either.
    But here is the good part: the waitresses are professional, kind, hardworking, and cheerful. The sandwiches (especially burgers) are well proportioned and tasty (buns might deserve a bit of toasting to overcome the juiciness of the burgers thought). French fries are pretty darn good. Soups are home-made from tried and true recipes; not gourmet but honest and not salty or meager. Beers are reasonably priced and there are a few options that are nice alternatives to the big brewery offerings.
    They do not take credit cards, so have a checkbook or cash.
    In general, I almost hate sports bars, and if first impressions from the decor guided me, I would turn around and avoid, but they have won my loyalty by caring about the quality of their soups and burgers and fries and by using a sane pricing scheme. They deserve patronage, if you can get beyond the football motif and the cr*p blaring on the TV.  Sometimes we are surprised by finding pleasantness in unexpected places.

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    This is one of those places that is far better than it has any right to be.  We found The Press Box when we were looking for somewhere to grab lunch before taking a tour of the Wollersheim Winery.  We didn't have especially high expectations, but we were really blown away.

    I think what we generally order includes burgers, grilled cheese, jalapeno poppers, onion rings, fries, chicken sandwiches... Yeah, there's a lot of us.  Everything we've gotten has been really good, and really cheap.  I think the burgers are about $5 or so.  I think their success lies in the fact that they keep it simple and do what they're good at.  They also have a good beer selection, including New Glarus.

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    The Press Box is a small town sports bar with good food. Their homemade soups are a standard favorite, and they have good burgers too(although I prefer the Reuben)!

    The staff if friendly, and the atmosphere is relaxed.

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