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    Chicago dog was not that great- pretty bland and fries were mushy and in need of salt. We had an order of shrimp and fries we just picked up from Calumet fisheries down the street which was 10 times more flavorful. Too bad- this place looked cool and I absolutely love Chicago dogs but can't recommend this place.

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    Dirtiest place everrrr don't go here people I went to get a hot dog and their was a hair in my hotdog . They don't wear hair nets or gloves!! I asked one of the girls why aren't they wearing gloves or nets and her response was that the manager doesn't make us I was so upset not even the manager cares!!!!!! Also one day me and my friend decided to go their but I told him I'm not ordering food because the food incident we seen a girl drop a polish on the floor n she picked it up put it back in the fryer  and gave it to a customer we leftttt as soon as we seen that I will never go back againnnn I will be calling the city soon on this place

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    Fan of this place for years, it is the place I go when taking a break from working on the boat in the off season to fill my tummy.

    Dog, delicious representative of the Chicago Dog.
    Fries, crispy and tasty

    Service is always fast and friendly.


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    Great choice!

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    I've been hearing about it for years.  My husband grew up near here and always talks about the hot dogs.  We we finally went for a visit to Chicago and of course Skyway Dog House was on the agenda.  He got two Chicago Dogs and was kind enough to let me have a taste....better than I expected cause I'm not a huge fan of hot dogs.  I got an out of this world Italian Beef with giardiniera and my son says that his nachos were amazing.  The only bad was we went over to Calumet Park to eat and I didn't have enough napkins cause mine was very mess.  

    Sadly we didn't make another trip to the east side so could enjoy another wonderful meal.

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    One of the best in the area....my go-to place when I am looking for a decent hot dog...not to mention its close to home for me so thus very convenient.  Also they served the hot dogs in steamed buns WITH fries....so more bang for your buck.

    Yes its not a very big place so yea the parking lot fills up quickly...thats OK as I'll take mine to go and drive to nearby Calumet Park and enjoy my meal on the lakefront.

    Added bonus: If you have a dog in the car with you, they offer a treat even for your canine pal....

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    I have been coming here all my life, over 20yrs!! Best hot dogs and polish, chicago style of course. The chili is out of this world too. Family owned, very friendly people. Small stand, small parking, and very small drive thru but so worth it. I come here often being that I live near by, but intend to travel if I have to in order to enjoy the food. I go no where else for a hot dog and chili. Must try!!

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    Plump Juicy and extremely delicious... a must have hot dog !!!!

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    i have been here a few times and the food is OK nothing more .On one recent occasion i went there w/ a friend and the girl taking my order was soo busy ( i was the only car in the drive thru and it was -2 so there were hardly any walk up's . we ordered chili cheese fries but all we got was chili. i felt that we weren't friends of hers and were peons and will never frequent this establishment again .

    One word of caution

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    Skyway the best Chicago style hotdogs and burgers. Definetly a stop on the way home

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    It's a good hot dog joint.  Definitely not someplace I would drive out of my way to eat at but if I'm passing it by and happen to be starving I would eat there again.

    My husband, son and I all ordered the 1/4 lb. hot dog, fries and drink meal for $3.99.  We ordered them Chicago style and it was good but I wouldn't say the best I've ever had.  But... the cheese fries really were quite yummy and the biggest reason I gave three stars... seriously good.

    There is a private lot but it's quite small.  We went during lunch time so it was packed but there's plenty of street parking.  The service was quick and they seemed nice enough.  And free drink refills is always a plus!

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    2.5* Hot dog
    2* Italian Beef
    2* Italian Sausage
    3* Fries

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    Hands down best hotdogs in Chicago! If you want a true Chicago Style hotdog with all the trimmings and fries.....this place is a must stop! Cheers!

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    Skyway Dog House is alright, but nothing more.  The women that work there are lovely.  However, one lady who took my order shorted me two dollars when she made change for a $20.  To be fair, she looked young and mistakes do happen, but she needs to learn how to do her sums better.  When I pointed out that she owed me another two dollars, she kind of froze and didn't know what to do.  One of the other ladies there came over and fixed it so everything was right.  Let's get on to the grub.

    The jumbo hot dog was pretty standard; nothing served to distinguish it from zillions of other jumbo dogs available across the Chicagoland area.  The fries were basic foodservice fries.  Nothing exceptional.

    A second jumbo dog was ordered charred.  When I asked for it charred, the same inexperienced lass who short changed me in our first exchange had no idea what a char dog was.  After figuring out that she didn't know what I was talking about, I told her to ask one of the gals in the kitchen.  This she did, and one of the grill girls told me that there was no charcoal grill in the stand (fair enough; lots of places lack charcoal grills), but she'd be able to do something for me.  

    I guess she said that she'd grill it on the griddle, but I couldn't make out what she said.  Anyway, she butterflied my dog -- not my favorite style of preparation, but not an uncommon one -- and grilled it up.  When it came without the hot peppers that I had asked for, I didn't bother going back to the counter; there had been enough SNAFUs for one night.

    All in all, despite the graciousness of the ladies working at Skyway Dog House and the friendliness of the patrons, I don't think that I'll be making a return trip.  It just isn't worth the drive for me.  

    By the way, if your idea of an urban adventure in Chicago is grabbing a mocha-frappe-foolish drink in Lincoln Park or Andersonville, then you might want to skip a trip here.  The area is a bit hit or miss from block-to-block, and while nothing has ever happened to me, you are left with the sense that there is a remote possibility you could get yourself into trouble if you inadvertently roll through the wrong neighborhood.  Stick to the main drags, buy only sandwiches, and you should be alright.  It's gritty, but odds are that you should be fine.

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    This spot feels like the hot dog stand on the edge of forever. There is not much down in the area, but it is the gateway to Calumet Park. We stopped and had their special ... a jumbo dog with the works, a side of fries and a 16 ounce soda for $3.99. It was just fine. We ate in the car and were entertained by the half dozen cop cars with flashing blue lights in front and behind Phil's Kastle. Another day living in Chicago. Gotta love it!!!

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    They have great chicago style hot dogs and french fries.  Don't know too much about the other stuff.  One thing I do know is that they are clean, quick and cheap.

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    Decent food, decent prices

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    Like Josh N, I settled into this homey East Side staple for a delicious chocolate shake. What I received was a churning chocolate maltED. It started off well enough. Then, it got questionable. Then, it crossed into the danger zone. My belly gave me a 2-minute warning that some bad stuff was about to happen if I proceeded further. Don't get me wrong: it wasn't prepared badly. I just *hate* malt. It grosses me out. Whoppers are repugnant to me. The only appropriate place for malt in my belly comes via Colt .45 (or, more recently, Smirnoff Ice; revenge is a dish best served cold, my dear Ms. Curtis!).

    That's too bad I was grossed out because the store is pretty cool. It's small but functional. It's survived a car running straight through it. It has extremely polite high schoolers working there (one who even recognized my college t-shirt because her friend is attending my alma mater come Autumn). I don't know that I would race down to the East Side to come back but if in there neighborhood, I would stop in for some dogs, fries (with cheese) and SODA. I notice a variety of brightly-colored, fruity-flavored concoctions. You know those are a weakness of mine.

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    By far the best Chicago style hot dog I've had on the east side.  I enjoy getting food to go and going to the nearby lakefront to eat.

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    Stopped in for milkshakes with some yelpers after a trip to Calumet Fisheries.  

    A vanilla shake sounded great at the time, but I had no idea that they would be using malted milk, which I find to be totally gross.  The menu says "shakes and malts", so I assumed that you could have a vanilla shake or a vanilla malt.  It is just the malt.  

    Strawberry, on the other hand comes as a shake and is actually pretty good.

    If you hate the taste of whoppers or "maltizers" as my worldly friends were calling them, then avoid the vanilla and chocolate shakes here.

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    Skyway is the best! Have you ever heard that the places that don't look too good on the outside are usually good on the inside? Well, Skyway is a prime example. It is easy to miss it when you are driving past but it is a gold mine on the inside. The hot dogs there are to die for for, they are the best that I have ever had. The menu boasts some of the greatest selections ever. From onion rings to the cheese fries even the cheese sticks. The cheese sticks are the best there because they are not greedy when it comes to portions, you get about eight of those suckers in a bag when most other places only gives you five. The hot dogs are even better, my uncle comes all the way from Atlanta, Georgia just to eat one of these gold nuggets. The hot dogs come fully loaded, Chicago Style. The seating might be limited but who says that you have to eat a hot dog sitting down. Trust me these hotdogs are worth it. They are the best hot dogs ever and it helps that the girls working there are really pretty too.

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    My favorite place for the classic Chicagah dog & fries.  This is the real deal.  Fast, friendly service without the attitude you get at other places.  See you there.

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    This one brings me back...Lived about a half-mile away growing up. Everyone in the area knows about it, has eaten there, and has dug it! Excellent place to go when you're just craving some good, old-fashioned, greasy American fast-food. The dogs are great and the fries are good (thicker-cut). When it comes to hot dogs on the East Side, I do favor Harmony's slightly, but Skyway definitely queches the craving as well. If this place ever closes, it will be a definite loss for the East Side.

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    Addictive fries and delicious fully loaded jumbo chicago style dogs - talkin' Vienna beef, poppy seed bun, and the works - all your general quick dine fare here too, ie onion rings, mozarella sticks, jalapeño poppers, etc. In my opinion, even the Cokes taste better here.  You can get full for like $3-4.

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    I'll go way out of my way to get here--@#$% the Skyway tolls, I'll spend that on my hot dogs.  The question of your favorite hot dog stand is a weighty one in Chicago.  For your basic garden variety hot dog (i.e., not charred, spiced, etc.), this place has my vote.

    Nowhere to sit inside, but I'm a big fan of sitting at the picnic tables outside (which have a canopy to keep you in the shade or out of the rain), and enjoying the East Side atmosphere.

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    Love the hot dogs, cheese fries and mozzerella stcks. Its hot dogs so there's really not much. This is more of a take out place.  The place is really small but whatever. Did i mention its really cheap also?

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    Best of the what I like to call "Everything" restraunts, or dog houses.  My meal at this place consists if so many different things, it would make most people sick.

    FOOD:  Great.  The first time I ever had a mozarella cheese stick was from here and it blew my mind.  The dogs are great.  The nachos are ballpark style.  Tamales are ok... go across the street for better ones.  Sandwiches and more... the list goes on.

    DRINK:  Fountain Pop.  Self serve.  All the good stuff.

    ATMOSPHERE:  I love this place.  I dont exactly hang here, but I have eaten at the window a few times.  Just a bunch of young girls serving up your great food.  You can read various articles on the wall about the establishment and the time somebody drove a car through the wall.  My dad used to take my brother and I here when we were little in the 80's.  We would sit by the bridge and wait for boats to come to watch the bridge go up.  Sometimes we would sit at Cal Park and throw fries to the seagulls.  This place has great food and great memories.

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    Skyway Dog has a wall with a print-out of its Yelp reviews! I found this quite entertaining as I waited for my food.

    And, the workers here are smarties. The local newspaper has a picture of Skyway Dog employees (all girls). They have high grade points and are going to college. Yay for them!

    Screw the fact that the inside sitting area is small....5 stars!

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    Best place to get Chicago Hot-dogs! Luv this place and the price. All of the hot-dogs come with a good helping of fries.

    Just like others have said, it would be nice if the had built a large seating area. If they did this we would probably go more often. But they did end up building a drive-thru so that was cool.

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    To quote Patton Oswalt-"Nummers." Skyway Dog House is small and tucked away but believe me when I say that it was some of the best hot dogs and hamburgers in Chicago. This place is so good that it is a must for whenever we visit Chicago. The bun is black sesame, hot dog is Vienna, be it Chicago Style or however you like it, it's delicious! Top it off with an order of fries, a soft drink and a pizza puff, you'll be completely satisfied. ^__^ Enjoy.

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    The cops are always here, which, for me, is just another indicator that this is a good dog joint.  

    Ever since the Route 66 trip, Justin and I have successfully avoided interstate highways, opting for less crowded routes with more local flavor.  The strip from Chicago to Southwest Michigan (41 to 12/20) certainly offers its fair share of local flavor through the southside lakefront neighborhoods (some in more disrepair than others), to the industrial neighborhoods of Northwest Indiana and their mom-and-pop gyros stands and Mexican joints, through Gary and the Dunes area...  There's a lot to see and it definitely takes longer than hopping on the highway, so we always end up starving on our trip.  

    Anyhoo--Skyway Dog House was like a shining oasis in the desert on our last trip.  We'd driven by a few other times--I loved the name and was encouraged by the po-po parked outside; this was clearly a place we had to try.  

    Survey says Skyway Dog House is great.  There was a constant flow of customers as we sat at the outdoor picnic tables, enjoying our cheeeeap Chicago dog, good fries, decent jalapeno poppers and a hefty Italian beef.  True, there were no sport peppers on the dog, but it was still tasty.  If I remember correctly, a regular hot dog and serving of fries is like, $1.33--the Chicago dog and fries might be $2.  I love cheap, good hot dogs.  Something about nitrates I can't seem to resist...

    So yeah, we've found a wacky place to feed on the long, winding road to Michigan.  Service is fast and friendly, there are a few seats along the counter inside this tiny place and the outdoor tables are a great spot for checking out the wild spinning rims on the cars at the intersection.  Good stuff.

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