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    Ugghh. they are open late nights for the after bar crowd, I'm sure that's because to those alcohol challenged pallets the food is wonderful. I have eaten there twice and both times regretted it, I always like to give a place a second shot just to be sure and this is quite possibly the worst restaurant food I've had in a long time. I made the mistake of ordering a burrito, the meat was canned and tasted like a spaghettio meat ball. Yuk! I asked if they had chips and salsa and they were not sure and had to check??? What I got was just so bad that I couldn't even eat anymore. My wife's hamburger was so dry it was like a hockey puck. Poor quality ingredients at every step of the meal!!! This is an example of a trying to save a buck and pushing poor quality food onto the unsuspecting customer. Stay away from this place, you'd be better just throwing your money out the window, at least you won't get ill afterwards as my sister in law did after having the buffet.

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