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    Located inside the mall, I have not been here more than twice, food was good.

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    Dear reader,

    Run do NOT shuffle to this bar. This bar is located inside the mall (which is carpeted) so by shuffling you will no doubt suffer a great amount of static-electric shock.

    Everybody's already said it but I'll say it again.

    This place has cheap drinks that are potent. Probably because it's Odessa and the only way to float along is to...well, float drunkenly along. Careful, this is sort of a dude-bro place...If you catch my 6th street drift.

    But, when in Odessa do as the Odessans do:
    Pop your collar.
    Have a Jagerbomb.
    Karaoke to crappy alt-rock.


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    This place is toooo wil on weekend nights fr my taste. However, the rest of the time it's like a sports bar should be. Great specials, low prices, great food, and great people!

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    I dig this place most of the time. They have pretty great specials. For example, on Fridays, drinks with 100 proof liquor are only 3 bucks, which I personally enjoy quite a bit. It's got a nice sized stage for those brave enough for karaoke and a nice set up of tables and chairs around said stage for those not brave enough to participate but interested in watching. Decent ambiance. Now, as reviews before me have stated, they're in a mall (where they lose their "perfect" rating). It's next to a movie theater and a Sears, which is just very odd when looking out the windows. But again, they have a different special everyday, food and drinks alike and a really great wait staff that doesn't forget that you're there and that your drink is empty.

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    I hesitate to review a bar in a mall, but it was the best time I had in my brief Odessa stay.  In addition to their extensive, lame selection of on-tap major-brewery beers they had Blue Moon and Shiner, with more variety in bottles.  Saving throw:  a reasonable collection of boozes, all at small-town prices.  They are open until 2am because they and the adjacent theatre share an entrance gated off from the rest of the mall at closing time.

    The food surpassed pub standard grub, and they played to my green chile lust with a couple of dishes.  Nice!  Good service and friendly (if curious) small town patrons.

    The main reason I spent so much time there was a Champion Pub pinball machine in awesome shape.  It is a fairly rare game that is insane fun.  They also have a Golden Tee and Karaoke on Thurs-Sat nights.

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