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    This is truly a dive, but most of my family and friends hang out here. We hit the bar scene there on occasion, but we really only go there for the food. It is awesome! The BLT is the best I've had ever. Period. Service is usually good, at least for us since we're considered "regulars" and the bartenders know us by name.

    The food is really awesome and VERY reasonably priced. Prices did rise recently, but still great bang for your buck.

    Friday and Saturday nights get a little loud. We prefer to eat there earlier in the day. Place is a little dirty and you will leave smelling like a deep fryer.

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  • 0

    The burgers and fries are good and so is the service. But if you can't handle very loud people who use the f word every 5 words then stay out. If someone can explain to me why people have to talk like this in a public place I'd like to know.

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    Ok, so I am recinding my previous review. They must have had a bad cook on the grill the first time I went in, becuase I have since had the burgers here, and they are acutally pretty good.

    People seem to like hanging out at the Ace, and the patrons all know each other. Sort of a small town version of Cheers. Everybody knows your name because there are only about 300 names to know.

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