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    1. Horrible service. RUDE waitresses and bussers.
    2. Overpriced food. Don't order any margarita pitchers because you'll be paying for a pitcher of ice with enough margarita to fill maybe  2 glasses.
    3. College night should be either renamed HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT or just plain reported to the police.

    I went here on a Wednesday night, dubbed college night after 9:00 and about 80-90% of the patrons drinking and dancing were underage. With at least 4 bouncers you'd think one of them would actually do his job?

    Surprised this place hasn't lost its license! I think the only reason it's in business is for its "atmosphere"- a beautiful building with a great interior.

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    Had the fajitas, which were really good.  Not quite what I expected, they were very saucy, but interesting and tasty.  Came for the live music, but they had 2-for-1 entrees.  Total meal tab came to like $20 including an appetizer.  Drinks were decent.

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    Worst service ever!!!

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    Awesome drinks... However, the great bartenders and servers are gone. Now there are rude inconsistent ones in their place. The food is no longer as it was a year ago. So sad. I wish they could hire real employees or just hold the new ones to some rules, like no cigarette breaks every 5 minutes or no cell phones.

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    The food sucks, along with the service. But the drinks are very good, which is the only reason why I am going to give Agave's 3 stars. The drinks alone make Agave's a good place to come on a Saturday night. If you look past the service shortcomings and don't order food, Agave's is a great place to drink.

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    Pros: The drinks are amazing. (5 stars worthy)

    Cons: The food can be inconsistent but for the most part its been average or above. (2.5-3 stars)

    The drinks alone make this place worthy of a visit. Freshly muddled fruit is used to make exceptional mojitos and margaritas. Though I just heard they recently (in the last couple weeks) updated the drink menu so Im not sure if this was for the better or worse.

    We often sit at the bar so I cant comment on table service. But I can comment on a few of their dishes.. The spare ribs are really a great choice, though not something I would normally order in a place of this genre. The tacos(seared tuna, crispy fish, chicken) were pretty good and reasonably priced. Jambalaya was average, but decent. So far Ive only been disappointed with their seared tuna app. I think it had 3 small slivers on the plate which seemed a bit cheesey for what they charged.

    Cant comment on the desserts, Ive never made it that far.

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    If you really like Mexican food, skip it.  Lukewarm, below average food.

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    First off the wait was awful!! We waited over an hour and a half while tables were left open! The hostess was incredibly rude and unsure of how long it would be! The music was loud and awful!

    It took 20 min for the waitress to even come take our drink order by then I wasn't taking any chances and ordered my whole meal in one shot... Finally my food came and my appetizer (crab cakes) was good but not very warm my dinner arrived about two minutes later a burrito and was also not very hot.. It was almost impossible to get the waitresses attention

    Overall it was loud and subpar its only saving grace was that it's not very expensive

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    A bit loud but reasonably priced , very kid friendly and pretty good food... Though I'd stick with barrito over the fajitas.

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    At the time we visited (less than a week ago), there were nearly 10 questionable reviews by no-name orangeheads, but all but 2 seem to have been filtered out/removed. This particular space has been occupied by various establishments over the past decade or so, constantly shuttering & changing hands with no perceptible luck. Don't even think of venturing into the dangerous, off-limits-to-customers parking lot; park yourself on the street in the angled spots & be mindful of the policy @ the time (the minimal side parking taken by staff, and the other lot is for residents). I loaded a $5 for $5 FourSquare Amex special, seemingly valid @ multiple locations of this LI mini-empire (not to be confused with Green Cactus in SB & elsewhere, or Blue Tortilla in Selden).

    Service = The three of us stopped in pre-NCAA championship ...well, 2 of us arrived first & were persistently harassed by the waitress, who apparently couldn't comprehend the concept of waiting for the final diner. To her credit, we were among the first to arrive, the last before the wave of craziness began, leaving her as the single server (working alongside the sole bartender) for the whole place. The duo was friendly enough, though the waitress could seem pushy, and often disappeared to tend to other tables at inappropriate times.

    Food = I had a lot of issues with the menu up front, like the two Haagen Dazs desserts, one where it was described as mouth-watering and another where it lacked a leading adjective (more importantly, and perplexingly, it was misspelled on the second attempt). Despite the presence of hardly a single menu item under double digits on this bastardized 'Mexican' menu (not sure I'd go as far as the '$$$' Distinction on this listing, but still not inexpensive), we lucked out (financially) with the 2-for-1 quesadillas since it was Monday (Happy Hour is isolated to the bar, understandably). We ended up grabbing 4 for the 3 of us - a chicken, a cheese, and 2 grilled vegetables. The cheese was reminiscent of Applebees and the grilled veggies weren't really seasoned, but neither was horrid. Each plate was accompanied by the ubiquitous, listless lettuce that's destined to languish on plates nationwide, the source of massive food waste for no aesthetic reason. The Xango dessert was far from worth it, leaving an overly fried aftertaste despite the attempt at refreshment of topping the dish with 'assorted berries' (1 strawberry & 2 blueberries). Ultimately, the grub was unremarkable but unoffensive, not packing much flavor but also not atrociously memorable. That being said, @ $19 a pop after a BOGO special for not all that much food, I'd certainly never return at full price. I'll stick with Funchos during the summer for cheaper eats and outdoor seating.

    Decor = Inexplicable artwork lent a creepy factor, coupled with glare hindering your vision at dusk. They blast remarkably loud reggae overhead in this odd space that's shockingly well-populated. The lights dimmed ominously around 8:15, and we were on our way.

    Web presence = More info @ <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2FAgaveswhb.com&s=1f68f0fd4dd8f4add7175922fbd9eab298bba375792e47ebd94aa97e398eefd6" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://Agaveswhb.com</a> or <a href="/redir?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fagaveswhb&s=1628b906cc64e831e329fbc974a6b84a35525765e434d828ed70ef01868cf0c6" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.facebook.com…</a>

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    This place has a lot of potential. The foor is mediocre. Staff is friendly, menu is hard to read. Drinks are ok.

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    The place has an okay ambiance, pushing  NYC hipster chic. Tables are on the wide side making it a little difficult  for my middle-aged ears to hear my party across the table. Looks to be good food BUT we ended up having to leave as we could no longer  stick around past the 50 minutes we waited after ordering our dinner. Drinks took about a half hour to get. When we got there to meet the other half of our party of four we told the cheerful waitress we had a show and she said no prob. Since our food still did not arrive we got a bunch of "I'm sorry's". (the food still was not ready and more "another minute" was offered)? We were frustrated as we now had a show to catch and hungry belly's after a long day at work. When we were looking to pay our bar tab we were " challenged" by another waitress with a offending pit bull attitude. This blonde pony-tailed lass made it seem it was our fault and was asserting we had to pay our bar bill, which my wife had tried to do three times as we were now in a hurry to catch the show at the local theater. The pit bull was argumentative, insulting and downright snotty. The one male manger just looked on and didn't even bother to ask what was up. WTF? We live on Long Island, go out a decent amount on the Island and NYC and NEVER EVER been treated as poorly as these folks treated us. Service here is the pits.  We will never go back again and will spread the word to all our friends when West Hampton Beach restaurants comes up or the usual, "How was your weekend?" banter comes up at work. They really know how to ruin a night. I really am an easy going person, not your type A, 1%-er personality and I never ever wrote a review but this was so out of whack I felt compelled to complain.  I suggest you find another place where you get treated with some respect. Great job, Agave!

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