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    How fun was this place! We came here because the BF randomly found it when we were going to visit NC. It seemed like a fun idea and so we went to the middle of nowhere (thank you GPS) and found it. We came late so they only charged half price since we missed half the show, which was very nice of them. Owners/employees were beyond friendly. It's basically a band that sings on stage and a bunch of people get up to dance (you can eat there, too... we didn't, though). The front section is for the line dancers. Back section is for anyone who just wants to boogie. I guess they also teach line dancing in the beginning and middle of the show, which we missed. But it was nice.

    Warning, though, it is a (much) older crowd... I didn't mind :-). One of the men (in the cow bell dance where you have to switch partners each time it gets rung) asked me if I minded dancing with an old man. I said not at all... which his reply was, "Great, if I find one I'll send him your way." Hahaha!

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