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    The food was good. and served at the correct temperature--nice and hot. There's lots of menu items to choose from (love the desserts, ie blackberry cobbler and a chocolate something or another). The patio seating is lovely. Employees are super friendly and very helpful. There are lots of motorcycles parked out front whenever I pass by. It didn't feel like a "tough guy" kinda place; I was very confortable there.

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    Best Cajun food in the area! Came all the way from Washington state for the red beans and rice, and gator tails!

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    This place is a quaint little place that I know I would regular if I lived near here. We came here on a Saturday night with 9 people. We did call ahead and the service was awful. I think they just didn't have the staff for as busy as they were. The prices were great. The food was good and I loved being able to have a low key place to eat at. I wouldn't go out of my way to go here, but it's close to my sister's so I'm sure we will be back.

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    I went here for dinner with a group of co-workers.  The restaurant was recently re-done and the atmosphere was nice, but the tables and chairs were a bit too institutional.  Otherwise, I really liked this place.  Definitely, a hometown watering hole for the locals.  There was a pretty good crowd there that night and everyone seemed to know each other.  The servers were very friendly and the service was prompt.  The food was real good too, the wings were better than any other I've had in the area to date.  The owner heard from the waitress that we were from of town and stopped by our table to say hello and bought us a round of drinks... Very nice gesture.
    In an area that seems to be littered with fast food and chain restaurants this place was a welcomed change.
    I'll be back!

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    The Bayou Special doesnt sound great but every time i go i order this sandwich and force whoever is with me to try it... and from then on they go back just for that.  its about a 1/2 in thick piece of smoked bologna, then pan seared , dipped in bbq sauce, topped with slaw on tx toast, yum!

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    Good food... Cold beverages... Laid back. The only mild issue was it's a little smokey.. :)

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    This is the greatest Cajun restaurant in southeast Missouri!

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