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    My family has had property in the area for decades. I was passing through and I was hoping for a quick lunch and a beer and be on my way to get more yard work done. I ended up staying for over an hour and a half because of slow service. The day staff was great, kept my drink full, very attentive, fun personality. Soon as night staff came on and day staff left, went all down hill from there. It was Saturday early evening. Not busy at all. Waited 30min to get my bill, another 10min to get it processed, empty beer glass, dirty dishes in front of me for 15min, Not even a "hello, I'll be taking over your tab." I don't like to toss this around, but I've run, opened, and GM for multiple bars/restaurants. I think the staff needs a full time cook to free up time for guest service and a bit more training with timing of the guest experience specially night staff. Other than the night bartender I had a great time, and would visit again.

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    Food was okay. Music in bar and restaurant included rap with profanity . Asked if music could be changed or turned down, was told it was web juke box and could not be changed because a customer had selected it.

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    Wandered in after coming over the pass and my first impression was good; the waitstaff was pretty damn funny in a laid-back, smartass townie kind of way.  One of a the women sent a few zingers our way--hell yeah, I'm in.

    We sat at the bar and I was pretty impressed with the place; clean, bright, with obligatory animal heads adorning the walls; possibly not the place to take your vegan PETA friend, but just fine for anyone else (and there's pool!).  The beer selection was pretty good, and made slightly better by the hilarious move by our bartender of tasting one of the beers when she forgot which one was the double porter and which one was the Irish Death.  You can't get that kind of amusement at a chain.

    Food...well, it's was...ok.  We all got burgers and fries.  I ordered batter mushrooms which were pretty good.  The fries...meh.  Nothing great there, and the burgers were about the same; very bland, kind of unsatisfying, and certainly nothing to write home about.  It's a shame since everything else there was pretty good.  I'd stop in again in a pinch, but I probably wouldn't be getting burgers this time.  Definitely a place to drink though.

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