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    Spent my New Years Eve here - we had a great time, and really enjoyed the live music. The drinks were cheap, the atmosphere was fun... but they didn't have champagne? I get it, it's a saloon (I'm a native Arizonan), but no cheap-o champagne on NYE? Also, when I asked I got some 'tude. Ah well, we still liked it!

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    I liked it. Surprisingly slow for a Saturday night, but charming none the less. I tried a locally made Dave's Electric Beer and enjoyed it thoroughly. I hear they offer cheap eats here for breakfast. I may try the hotel here next trip.

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    Love the authentic Southwestern atmosphere. Nice dark place to get out of the desert heat and cool off with a beer. Very much a local watering hole with reasonable prices.

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    I recently stayed at the hotel and had a few drinks at the bar. It's pretty typical of the saloons in Bisbee. The live music was very good. The drinks were alright. It's a no-frills kind of place. An a-ok place to get a drink.

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    neat little saloon located under the bisbee grand hotel on main street.

    they have a beautiful bar that dates back to the 1800s. the bartender, terry, was friendly and made sure our drinks stayed full. she even offered us some popcorn or peanuts.

    pool costs $2.50.

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    A great little place to sit and have a few adult beverages.  The service is fast and friendly, and they have the most yummy pear ale on tap....it was the best!

    Take advantage of the free popcorn and peanuts because the adjacent kitchen closes way too early for a Saturday night (8pm?!) so if you go in hungry, expect to eat your dinner out of a bowl if you get there too late.

    This is a nice little place to people watch.

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    The Bisbee Grand Hotel has a full sized bar on street level. This is by far my favorite place to start and end the night in bisbee. The bartenders are nice and pour a strong drink. The vibe is laid back. I love sitting at the bar, but there are also a few tables around for bigger groups. Two pool tables, good music, cheap drinks, and clean bathrooms. There is always someone interesting to meet here. I love this place.

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