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    Good burger.  Not supper fast for a limited length lunch. Fries were fresh cut. Much bettrr than out of thee freezer fries.

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    I am big fan!  When life led me to Mid-Michigan for a couple months, I found a "home" at the Blue Shamrock every Saturday for Lunch.  Mike and Monica are friendly (rest of the staff is great too!), hospitable, and serve a great pub food.  The fries, chips, burgers, and soups are fantastic.  If you are daring, take a dive off the menu and ask Mike to make you something unique.  I love to cook, and both Mike and Monica have taken suggestions for improving the already great menu.  If you are a local or a passerby (like me) stop in for a delicious lunch and a bright, clean, and friendly atmosphere.  Friendliest little pub in the area!  I might just have to make a trip back from Minnesota sometime to have lunch with my friends at the Blue Shamrock!

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    The best place in Gratiot County, Michigan to get a beer, burger, wrap, or fries. All food is hand prepared, fresh from the garden. I have never had a better tasting burger. In fact, I can't decide if I like their burgers better than their wraps. Build your own burgers or wraps and watch all the sports action on the five wide screen plasma tvs.  Just a place you feel comfortable with, the minute you walk in the door.  Reminds me of the old gang on the long-running tv show "Cheers".  Try it once and you'll come back... guaranteed.

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