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    I only saw this place because we were first headed to Paddy's next door. This place is also a private membership club, although we only had to sign in on their sheet of paper and pay the $5 cover charge.  This place has 3 pool tables, an elevated seating section that's good for a private party, a bunch of tables near an electronic jukebox machine, a large, open bar with seating, and a square dance floor in the middle of the room  surrounded by a metal railings and a bead curtain all around.

    This place had a higher ratio of women to men compared to Paddy's next door. The dance floor attracted people once in a while, but most people were there just to hang out and drink.  They didn't allow drinks on the dance floor, so no wonder.  I wish that Paddy's and Bourbon Street would combine membership so you could go between bars without paying 2 cover charges.

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