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    I don't mean this in an offensive way, I actually mean it in an endearing way:  this is a total redneck bar. It was crowded, noisy, and rowdy. But rowdy in a friendly sort of way. We did see one customer kicked out and one near-fight, but nothing ended up coming of that.

    The staff here were very friendly and attentive. I was surprised how quickly they took care of us given the crowd.

    The interior space seems quite a bit smaller than it looks from the outside. There was only one pool table -- there really wouldn't be room for more.

    There's just one set of restrooms and they are one-person facilities. That really surprised me considering how busy this place gets, I'd think there'd be a constant line.

    By the way the big thing here appears to be their annual turtle race, which I just missed by a week.

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