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    I love Braveheart, this place will always be my favorite bar in the area! Prices are completely reasonable and I'm a big fan of all the new Michigan beers :)

    The food is good "bar food." I have always loved their fried pickles, burgers and wraps. Food prices are also always reasonable and available to-go.

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    Friendly local bar with a good selection of draft beer. Bartenders and waiters are friendly. Other than the burger and friend pickles, the food is nothing to brag about.

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    Quite literally my favorite bar in all of Mid-Michigan, and the bar I compare all others to!  Now, I am a college student, so perhaps my perception of the bar has been slightly skewed by the fact I am always surrounded by great friends (and professors), but I really do just love the bar.

    The drink prices are SUPER reasonable (never do I pay more than 4 dollars a drink) and the bartenders are really on top of ensuring that everyone who wants a drink gets one.

    Unfortunately, while I do love this bar, it is obviously no big-city bar.  Your clothes will all indefinitely smell like greasy food and smoke after you leave and an occasional townie fight happens here and there.  Also karaoke night is just super loud and a little irritating, in my opinion.

    Despite this, the bouncer is really nice and always on the lookout for the safety of the bar-goers.  The food is also pretty good for bar munchies, and unlike the only other bar in Alma, this one accepts a credit card (on a side note: seriously...who still runs a cash only bar?) Above all else, it is in walking distance to the college and therefore a remarkably convenient location. Go here and love it!

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    As an Alma Alum, I have to rave about this place. It's the real-life version of Cheers, because everybody knows your name, and if they don't, they will before you leave :)

    The bartenders are great, the drinks are reasonable, the atmosphere is awesome, and there is an upside down Christmas tree instead of a light fixture. Also, the food is good and reasonable too.

    It's a great way to meet townies, professors and students alike. My only caution is: do NOT plan to pull out of the parking lot if you have been drinking. Small town+too many cops=DUIs for all. I am absolutely against drunk driving (who isn't?) but let it be known that you will be caught if you drink and drive out of that parking lot. Your driving record with thank me for the warning :)

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    Well, I'm not an Almanian, just in town for a soccer game against Alma College.  Found the atmostphere and the pub grub to be quite good.  Very good bar burger, deep-fried mushrooms and Guinness on tap.  It just doesn't get any better than this.  Wish we'd won the game though...

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    What a pub!  This place is simply known as "the pub" by local students.  I am sort of surprised to say that this place puts the Ann Arbor bar scene to shame.  It's the ambiance.  Everyone at Alma knows everyone, so essentially the bar is filled with friends drinking with friends.  And the hard drinks - made with good liquor - are only $3 dollars each!!!  The bartenders all do a great job, and the drinkers appreciate this.  There is a happy mix of Alma students (majority) and professors and townies.  The jukebox is of good quality, and there is enough floor space to dance to Biggie with the Almanians and get a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

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