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    Support your local brewery.  The beer is good and a great place to unwind and enjoy people.  No entertainment, no TVs and speakers blasting the game, it is the beer.  It is a brewery.  There are some snacks, but come for the beer, period.

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    A day trip to Bisbee on Halloween day... lands us in this brew house.. well, not really a 'brew house' but it wants to be... we just needed an iced IPA or lager of a sort.. and some grub.. but we got the brew from the friendly bartender.. but no grub, nope...thats gone away... well, at least in this unstable economy, we dont need food, but we do need to get our drink on, I guess? Fun, lively... music... friendly, and a good people watching venue.. as Bisbee makes sure no one is a bore.. :-)

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