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    I love this place!
    It may take them a minute to get to you, so order more than one beer at once if you drink quickly.
    The food is above average for a brewpub,
    The chili and cheeseburgers are amazing but the wood fired pizzas are were it's at!
    Thank You Geno and Cindy for the great food and beer.
    The bartender Paul is cool as hell.

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    I stopped here on a Tuesday evening as I was passing through for work.  The place was pretty much empty, but when I sat at the bar I was ignored by the bartender while she took orders from the waitstaff working the two tables that had customers.  Eventually, she came up to me and asked what I wanted.  I requested a beer list and she begrudgingly went to find one.  I chose the El Toro Oro Golden Ale because it was highly praised in the menu as their "award winning" beer.  It was nothing special; on par with a Stella Artois in my books.  The menu has pizzas, but had a comment of "when available" next to it.  I asked the grouchy bartender if I could order a pizza and she said she would have to check with the chef.  She disappeared for a while, then came back and started mulling around behind the bar.  I waited a while for a response to my question, but when none came, I asked her again if I could order a pizza.  She snapped at me, with her hands next to her face to emphasize, that she had to wait for the chef to tell her if the oven was hot enough.  She eventually told me they couldn't make pizza, so I ordered the fish and chips while I finished my beer.  She spent the rest of the evening treating other customers poorly and making snotty comments to a coworker, whom I believe was her husband.

    Overall, the food was decent (nothing special), the beer was ok (not great) and the bartender was ridiculously rude (horrid woman)!  I later found out that she was actually one of the owners.  I was very disappointed that a local pub wouldn't be more friendly and excited to have business on a Tuesday evening.  Plus, how hard is it to make a pizza or prep your oven for dinner at 7:30?  It looks like pretty much everyone else on these reviews had similar experiences with poor customer service.  I won't be back and I wish I would have read these reviews before so I wouldn't have given my money to this establishment.

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    This update makes me sad. First thing is first, the beer here is awesome. I don't like beer, and I want to drink all of their beers. Delicious and amazing stuff. If you like beer and don't mind disappointing service then this is the place for you. I believe the bartender was the same one as my last visit, and still as pleasant and prompt as ever in service. I met a few friends here and we went to play pool (badly BTW), and continued to buy drinks as we ran out. However, at 9 we were the only people left in the place so they decided to close up. No problem, I get that it can be more expensive to keep open for 4 people than it is worth the sales, please, close up if you don't think you'll be getting more people in. It was the manner in which they chose to close up that left a sour finish to the day. They shut off the lights.

    I know what you may be thinking, we may have been forgotten about. We weren't exactly being quiet, and we had tabs open, so it's not like they were going to forget about being paid out. We finished our drinks and went downstairs to be greeted by a woman whose immediate words were "Your hour is up, we're closed." Oh really? I had no idea you were closing before your posted hours. I thought you were suffering from a localized power outage because that is the only reason someone would turn the lights off on a group of people rather than, you know, tell them that you are closing up for the night. We paid and left. I'd like to say that my tip wasn't effected by this exchange. Sadly I cannot.

    The Moral?
    Beer = best ever, minor cravings ensue
    Staff = passive aggressive, unlikely return

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    The beers were decent for a brew pub, and the food about what you would expect. Not great, but not bad.

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    A nice little family operated enterprise. Good conversation, good beer
    (wide and interesting selection). Food good not great but whenever I'm in the area, I'll stop in.

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    This place has such potential. I was so excited when it first opened in MH.  I thought it would be a fun sportsbar.  I was disappointed with the menu and food quality.  The service was fair.  The upstairs area was cool but needed more activities.  I wish they would improve their food quality then I could frequent this place.  As of now I won't be returning.

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    not worth anyone's time if you're here for drinks and food.  It was awful.

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    I ordered the honey brined fried chicken. And my girlfriend ordered the prime rib and we had garlic fries for a side. The chicken was way overcooked and the prime rib was 60% fat. Garlic fries were served way to oily. Even the vegetables were very oily. Good place for just drinks. $65 wasted.

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    Read earlier reviews. Drove by many times and did not stop. Went there Friday evening. Pleasantly surprised. The beer was great ( be afraid of the ghost beer, but it has its nitch). The waitress (Savanna) was really  fun to talk to and helpful. The pool table seemed to be of a much higher  quality than i would expect from a brewery   I will be back to play and we enjoyed he experience.  I can not comment on the food but I will be back to try that out.

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    5 guys looking for a mellow beer spot.
    missed the kitchen by minutes.
    picked up Chinese food from next door.
    decided to eat and meet our buddies at el toro and continue the night at el toro for beers.
    they would not allow us to eat our take out food in the restaurant (recall, the kitchen closed already)
    had to sit out in the curb. our buddies left too. took our beer money elsewhere.
    nice way to loose half your customers in just a few minutes.
    if he cared, and let us stay, we no doubt would have had a beer tab way over $100. seriously.
    Forgetaboutit. this guy is not here for you.
    sad because its good beer. I will not go back

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    Nice atmosphere. I'm from Bend so I know good beer. But I'm glad we stopped in and had a pint!

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    The beer is really good. Although, we went in for dinner for the first time on a Thursday night, and they were out burgers...? And there was hardly anyone in there. Burgers make about half the menu. We ordered other stuff but really it was without great flavor, the way I would expect from a brewery. It was almost like defrosted food would get at the fair. I'd still drink the beer though.

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    Good beer, lousy food and service.

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    I love Tuesday night trivia at El Toro brewery.  It is fun, we go as a family and sometime bring friends.  The  prize is a pitcher of beer and hot/mild wings, to your taste.  This is brewery food, it's hard for me to find low-calorie alternatives, but it is a fun family place and I pick a salad and put all dressing on the side and dip into it.  The kids love the menu, they like the pizza, corn tortilla hotdog is a specialty.  They like the pasta and the desserts. It's simple family food not to be eaten every night but it is a fun treat.
    The trivia is geared for fifth grade and above so you might not want to bring your toddlers.  
    The beer selection here is great. They're very knowledgeable and they give you a lot of information on the beer so you can make an educated choice. I enjoy the oatmeal stout my tummy doesn't like wheat that much. It's a great stout beer.
    I am definitely returning for Tuesday night trivia! We have a great time as a family and with friends and we love the competition. It's very friendly place.

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    Stopped by on a Saturday afternoon for lunch and a beer.  We sampled a few different kinds of beer and they were all good.  
    The highlight of the visit was the chili.  I got it as a side instead of fries.  REALLY GOOD chili.  It was nice and spicy but not too spicy.

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    Ol' Teach is giving 5 stars exclusively on the beer alone. Sit at the bar or be forwarned!!! The Awesome IPA and Imperial make this pirate very happy.  

    Note that this pirate once attempted to get food by sitting at a table - never, never, never, never, never, never do that or you are certain to be disappointed.

    Management would be wise to make certain that the restaurant/food service is vastly improved. As of 2012 a surly wait-staff will be your "reward" for visiting El Toro.

    So, go for purely beer reasons and SIT AT THE BAR.

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    Our server was not friendly and the service was incredibly slow. There were only four tables in the entire restaurant so they weren't overly busy. Our food was mediocre, the beer was enjoyable, but I can say that it was the worst service I have ever had.

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    Based on my recent experiences I'd rate this 0 stars, if only that were possible.  

    Beer - 4 stars but could be 5 if the pricing were more reasonable
    Food - 3 stars but could be 4 if it were consistent and well prepared
    Facility - 3 stars but could be 4 if it were better maintained
    Service - Negative stars; the lady of the house will suck you of your positive energy and replace it with despair and an existence questioning malaise

    I've been coming here for years and it's always been this bad.  Well, there was the short while then they first opened that the service was horrible but the food was fresh and good and the facility was too new to feel as if it wasn't taken care of.  They say you can judge a restaurant by it's bathroom and here the restrooms feel as though you're in a dive bar.

    But enough of that tangent.  

    I recently attempted to grab a pint or 4 with some friends.  Unfortunately when one of us got there they were turned away because the place was booked for a private party in the middle of prime-time on a Saturday.  This wouldn't seem so out of the ordinary to me if this place didn't have a couple thousand square feet to spare upstairs -- really, the whole place reserved for a party of 30?  

    This type of nonsense really demonstrates their expectations of a Saturday evening.  Though again, I digress.  The following week the same group of friends and I decided to tilt some pints and were met with the same fate -- argh!  

    This evening I get to the place and I'm met with the familiar and unfriendly expressionless gaze of a bitter and vengeful entity.  I enter the door and she says nothing but stares blankly.  "Hi", she says.  To which I reply "Hello, how are you?"

    "We're closing up here" she replies.
    "Oh, well that's unfortunate..." says I.

    An Olympic caliber staring competition thus ensued in which your author attempted to coax some sense of humanity out of our ruthless villain.  Alas, the outcome was clear.  I was beaten.  I sauntered off in the shame of my defeat to my vehicle where I'd have to spend some time assessing the situation and contacting friends for new plans.  Well, that was the plan but while I was attempting to do so I felt the cold rush of a gnawing energy deep within my soul.  It was as if a succubus had risen from an ancient slumber hungry for the taste of misery.  Peering into my rear-view mirror I glimpse the silhouette of the lady staring at my vehicle.  I felt as though she was willing me to move on so move on I quickly did.

    It seems that's how the lady rolls at 8:35 on a Friday evening even though the hours state they're open until 1am.  I am left only to surmise that El Toro does not enjoy having customers or a successful business.  That they prefer instead to bask alone in their awesome beer like some Scrooge McDuck shunning the outside world and teasing those that would dare to look in with their bitter, tasty glory.

    It's a shame, really.  This location is choice, the parking is not so bad, the facility is outstanding and the beer is great.  The food is sub-par and the service is so-so at best.  If it weren't for the most unfriendly vibe of the upper management and the inconsistency of their scheduling I'd love to love El Toro Brewery.  Now, I feel as though I'm at the point where I'm done trying to give it a chance.  

    If you are feeling defensibly sturdy in your positive character then I implore you to give El Toro a try, at least once and if only for the beer.

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    Had a very unfriendly experience here.  My girlfriend and I decided to check it out during one of the world series games.  The place was fairly empty so we decided to sit at the bar.  Before that we had a very awkward exchange with the hostess who was completely unwelcoming.  She is having a bad day, I thought.  We found out later that she is an owner and she is like that all the time.

    We sit at the bar and the bartender comes over, just as unwelcoming as the hostess.  We say were are interested in trying out a beer sampler (because it's a fucking brew pub) and we start to order.  He barks at us for choosing beers that are on the "premium list" and how you have to order "all premium" or "all non-premium".  No mix and match.  The menu, by the way, is a shitty unedited word document that is not at all clearly marked or organized.  Fine.  So we order 2 of the 3 beers in the sampler and ask for a suggestion on the 3rd which is met with a completely disinterested response.  I even think he said something like, "(blank stare)...well I don't know what you like."  We just chose the 3rd to end the exchange.

    A little later we decide to order some appetizers, we ordered the Taco Dogs, which was such a piece of shit.  It was literally a hot dog wrapped in a taco shell.  We laughed at that, decided not to order any more food.  We did order some more samplers, but took extra care to plan out our order so as not to engage him in any unnecessary conversation.  That should tell you a lot about the tone of the service we received.  

    We finished up and settled our check.  I had to sit there for a good 20 seconds and convince myself to leave a tip.  I now wished I hadn't.  We laughed about it all and agreed never to return.  On our way out, the hostess watched us walk right past her and didn't say a word.  Couldn't even muster a "thanks for coming in" or "have a good night".  It was pretty amazing.  

    If you're considering whether or not to check it out, consider it completely not worth your time or money.  The beer isn't special by any means.

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    Eek, Methinks not.  A group of us went to El Toro for a beer and appetizers after my niece's baby shower.  On Saturday evening the place was empty.  The owner of the pub wiped down the table herself and left it sticky by just smearing around what ever was on the towel she used.  She came off very unfriendly and inhospitable from the start.  We ordered the garlic fries and chicken wings.  When the fries arrived they were soaking in oil.  I sent them back.  The next batch wasn't much better so they were left uneaten to be disposed of properly.   The chicken wings were overly salty and didn't have much flavor.

    On a previous visit I had their fish and chips.  Not a good choice their either.

    Even though I live a couple blocks from El Toro, with the owner's wife being arrogant and inhospitable, complete B word to put it mildly, and the poor quality of the food, I'll not be returning.  And, I can't recommend anyone go there and spend a nickel.

    My suggestion for the owner's is to visit a few of the many successful bay area brewpubs to see how they are supposed to be run.  Good food, friendly staff (owner) and a fun atmosphere goes a long way.  Something El Toro is seriously lacking.

    I now know why the place sits empty on a Saturday night.  Hopefully there will be some soul searching and willingness to change so  they can make the place a success like it could be.

    Our waitress was friendly and knowledgeable.  So the problem lies at the top.

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    Went for lunch. It was good, but not great.
    We shared a brisket sandwich ($13) that was pretty tasty, and quite large, but dry. It needed some mayo, extra BBQ sauce, or au juice. The fries were pretty tasty.
    The nachos looked pretty basic, but were quite good - just, again, a bit pricey at $9 without meat.
    Service was good, but we got charged incorrectly on one item and were given the wrong tab at first.
    The cold golden ale hit the spot on a hot Morgan Hill afternoon.

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    El Toro Brewpub is great!  They have a great selection of Beers, all of which are tasty.
    The Wings are good, Burgers good, and Wood fired pizzas are the best food on the menu.
    The owner Geno is fun to B.S. with at the bar, and in his absence Mack is a very cool Beertender.
    I like going there to watch Sharks games or Football games and suck some suds.
    I recommend El Toro Brewpub to all who appreciate good micro beers. Cheers!

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    Number one rule in customer service: make your customer happy. With a bug crawling on me, I wasn't so happy. The beer, however, made me happy so we got an apology from our waiter, moved and watched the game while we waited for the food.
    Another not so happy moment? Getting the check and not getting any type of comp for the quarter-sized beetle crawling up my arm. Go for the beer, if you choose, but sit at the bar and keep Clark on speed-dial.

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    From the reviews, it seems like you should only come for the beer and skip on the food.  It is a decent place to grab a few beers.  They have quite a few choices on tap, and you can do 4-4oz samplers for either 6 or 8 bucks depending if you sample the regular or premium beers.   But you can also do single 4oz samplers and not get the 4pack.  I tried a few of their beers and everything was pretty good.  Even the crazy spicy ghost chili beer.  Definitely get a glass of water with it because it is really spicy!  

    The website says happy hour is 3-7, however, the chalk board at the bar stated 3-5pm on Tues-Thurs.  With $1 off pints, and $2 off pitchers.

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    Arrived here with the family for  my little brother's birthday and  had the bacon cheeseburger which was just fine. The cook and quality of the meat was acceptable but not memorable. I also would have wished that I had a choice on the bun. Im just not a fan of the eggy yellow bread.

    The Jasper Ale though was so fresh with some great body and flavor. It was a little sad to see this large establishment so empty on a Friday night. A part of me really wants to see this Brewpub flourish. Not sure why, I think its because our waitress was so friendly and cute and the locals at the bar seemed jolly and well taken care of. Oh well.

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    One of the first few restaurants I've tried  since I got back from my vacation in Hong Kong, and boy am I disappointed in this place.

    I've been to Morgan hill numerous times  and I read some bad reviews from other yelpers about this place. But I was at the good old July 4th parade and knew I couldn't be picky about the places I get food, since almost everything was closed, so came to try out the El Toro. First of all, who designed this place. It was a maze trying to find the entrance! Once we found it, we were forced to stand in the scorching sun because there's a sign "please wait to be seated". Now, usually I don't make comments about that, but this sign was not inside the restaurant, it was in their parking lot. There was no hostess and I felt like I stood there like an idiot. Luckily there were a few parties in front of me, so I didn't feel as neglected.

    After about 5 minutes, we finally laid eyes on the hostess. She came and greeted the first party and ignored everyone else. She then disappeared for another 5 before she came back with menus, still ignoring everyone else. What kind of service is this? Not only was there no welcoming of any sort, it.s not efficient! Can't you take 2-3 parties at the same time?!

    Now, we finally got seated, and we decided on sitting at the patio(luckily it was shady!). Our waiter wasn't bad, got our drink orders in right away and didn't seem to be a problem. But sitting right by the door gave me a WHOLE new look at the restaurant. One thing-- horrible management. Ready to hear it? Let's begin!

    This is one of the only restaurants I've been to that I had to ask for any utensils. No napkins, forks, do you expect me to eat with my fingers? A salad too? Next... People got super confused as they walked in... Like me! And when the people asked the waiter about the waiting situation.... He replied, "I honestly have no clue what's going on here."

    Next, our food arrived and it didn't look or taste bad- 3 stars. I could not maintain a conversation if my life depended on it because I was noticing all the complaints of customers! One lady walked into the restaurant, ignoring the "to be seated" sign, and was escorted out the hostess. Since I was so close, I heard everything. Once the lady was out, the hostess told her that food is going to take at least 45 minutes. That lady got pissed and walked off! What kind of restaurant tactic is that?

    For July 4, they had a special lunch menu We were there around noon, and once again, the hostess, told one table, the ribs are not ready. Ok, I know they take a long time to smoke, but it's your LUNCH special....

    Sitting in this restaurant for about 1.5 hrs and saw about 3-4 parties left before even getting seated. One family walked out and the dad cursed at the waiter for the lack of service(a glass of water), server saying to the hostess he has no idea what tables he's working. One guy leaving and telling the party coming in, "don't bother".

    All in all, one of the worst dining experience I've had. People working there had no smile. Food was mediocore, service, meh, management, failed. I would NEVER step  foot in this place again.

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    The only good thing here is the $2.50 golden ale.  They make up for the cheap beer with pricey pub food.  We came for trivia night, and asked friends to come down from San Jose.  As soon as we sat down we were informed the "brewer" was out of town, so no golden ale.  The guy just looked at us after he said it.  I would think he would try to accommodate in some way, but that wasn't the case.

    None of the food really looked that appetizing, and my husband finally decided on pizza.  He was then informed the pizza oven wasn't hot enough, and the rest of the staff couldn't figure out how to start it.  Seriously?  Pizza is almost half the menu.  Again, not accommodate.  Just looked at us.  

    Everyone's meal came out before mine.  A good ten minutes later the waiter came around and said, "You ordered food right?  I threw the ticket away, so I don't know what you ordered."  I had to tell him again and 15 minutes after that my food arrived.  Everyone else was done, and trivia was over.

    To top it off I made the mistake of going in the bathroom on my way out.  It was so disgusting, another lady in there made a comment about us being brave.  She said, "I don't know what's happening here, I guess a bunch of teenagers are running this place."

    I am embarrassed we took our friends here, and we won't return.

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    I love the beer!! The food is pricey, but the blue burger is good if you like blue cheese.
    A lot of the menu reminds me of food you'd eat at a house party. But regardless taste okay just costly. i think they just need to beef up the menu!  

    Try The Beer Though. It's not about the food as much as the beer.

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    I'm not sure if words exist that are bad enough to describe my El Toro experience this evening.

    First off, my disappointment is compounded by the fact that I've been excited to try El Toro for some time.  I've had their beer before (outside of the brew pub) and enjoyed it.

    Tonight, however, I was unfortunate enough to experience "dinner" there.  Dinner is in quotes, not only because of how disgusting my companion's food was, but also because I didn't actually get to eat, aside from the applesauce my friend's toddler rejected (brought from home) and a couple of onion rings snagged from my husband's plate.

    We had to seat ourselves (per sign's instructions) and then waited a good 15 minutes to be acknowledged.  We were one of 4 tables in the place, so it was not due to busyness.  Finally, we were able to order our beers and food.  Beers arrived slowly, but the food was another story.  An hour later, our pub food (wings, fries, burger) arrived.  And it was cold.  And my burger had a giant hair on it (hence, why I did not eat dinner, because I could not bring myself to wait another hour for something disgusting and barely edible).  My dining companions' food was, as I mentioned, cold, and revolting.  The onion rings were a sickly dark brown, as if the oil hadn't been changed in the fryer since the place opened.  The fries were limp, shriveled and cold.

    We had to ask for silverware and napkins, and the server did not check back to see if we wanted beer refills or to see how we were enjoying our meals.  I had to hunt him down to ask for and pay the bill.

    Oh, and I had the misfortune of needing to use the restroom on my way out - also absolutely disgusting.  And foul smelling.

    I will never return, and I don't know if I can live down the embarrassment of recommending to my friends that we dine there.

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    El Toro Ghost Chili Beer - try it for a serious kick of spiciness with refreshment.

    Otherwise, there's nothing spectacular here.  The bar bites were average, as were the other beers.  The brewery restaurant is just ho-hum.

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    Popped in here with friends yesterday, after lunch at A-Jay's.

    Of the 3 beers ordered, 2 of them were absolute shit.

    That's the problem with breweries sometimes.  They either have a good selection or they don't.

    I won't go back.

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    Went here after a kid birthday party down the street on a Sunday evening for a quick dinner.

    We sat ourselves, had to find a clean table because nothing had been wiped down after the last patrons. We were handed some menus and crayons for the kiddos.

    We quickly decided and then waited for the one waitress to come take our orders. She quickly brought the kids drinks and then ours while we waited for dinner.

    My hubby ordered the BBQ pulled pork because he has always LOVED them from here and I decided to try the Reuben since it sounded tasty.

    My husband said the BBQ pulled pork was terrible :( He said it was watery and not very flavorful. My Reuben was actually pretty good, but a little soggy.

    Service was slow, food wasn't very good so don't think we will go back :(

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    4 stars for the beer + 2 stars for the restaurant = 2.5 stars. Yes, the beer is good. The food is average bar food, at best. Some constructive criticism:
    1) the menu is too jumbled and hard to follow. Simplify it, choose one font and one color
    2) The restaurant is not well maintainted (ie clean). There is a thick layer of dust on the shelves, clutter, and tables are not immediately cleaned.
    3) Great location, but under utilized. I NEVER see the outdoor pizza oven being used, live music outside, etc.
    4) Food is subpar. IE - frozen french fries, greasy burgers, etc.
    5) great beer, although a little pricey for being direct from the brewery in my opinion.

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    Our waiter was nice and friendly so he gets the extra star.
    Other then that, I had the salmon burger which honestly tasted like cheap/real cheap fake salmon.

    They have 2.50 beer and well it was a very $2.50 beer, not that tasty.
    We also ordered a side of chili fries and it was meh I think I could make better ones.

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    We came to El Toro in a big group (soccer families) after the restaurant we had originally chosen closed suddenly due to a kitchen fan failure.

    The server seemed really unexcited to see us; after discussion with staff behind the bar, she eventually put us in a set of high bar tables next to the speakers; not great for the kids, and it was a bit loud, but at least we were off by ourselves.

    The beer was good, including a cask-conditioned ale (!!); the food was merely OK (Spots Bar / American); service was slow and inattentive. As for the decor: Bank + Frat house

    El Toro served it's purpose; Can't say I'll make it a destination spot, unless I just want a beer.

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    I almost skipped this place after reading the reviews but am absolutely glad that I decided to try it anyway. It gets 5 stars from me!

    First of all, as several have pointed out it IS a Brew Pub and it IS about the beer! I'm a visitor to this area and have had a heck of a time finding places around San Jose that serve beer that I like. I'm a beer lover, specifically an IPA Lover. There are few places within 10 miles of San Jose that serve IPA at all, and most that do are just mediocre IPAs. Even if they have a good IPA it isn't on their regular list and there is no guarantee they will have it when you get there.

    But El Toro Brewing had 4 IPAs on tap, all that they brew themselves! I liked all 4, including one they call an IPL, sort of an IPA logger style. I liked the IPL and their Awesome IPA. The other 2 were good too, but I liked those two best. They also had a LOT of other beers on tap of just about every style and I plan to try some of those on future visits. They have inexpensive 4 ounce tasters and 4x4 flights which helps with the tasting.

    As far as food I don't see the problem. They have clam chowder on Friday and Saturday which is great. Also had some of the fries and the Beer Battered Mushrooms. They make their own clam chowder and cut their own potatoes. Nothing out of a bucket or frozen bag here. I thought the food was great for a brew pub.

    The husband and wife owner team was also very friendly and helpful. They certainly know their beers! I liked the layout of the place. You have your choice of sitting at their fairly good size bar, tall tables by the bar, their indoor restaurant seats, even some upstairs looking down over the bar, or their outdoor patio.

    After having tried just about every brew pub within 10 miles of San Jose that even mentions having an IPA, this will be my favorite hang out from now on!

    I strongly recommend everyone try it before rejecting it based on other reviews, especially if you are a beer lover like me, and double especially if you love IPAs!

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    Not sure how El Toro has kept up. I've been twice and left unsatisfied twice.

    Awesome location, it's a perfect set up for a cool brewhouse - but the menu is boring and blah. Even their cheeseburger is "meh." Server was clueless, and the bartenders were flustered and unfriendly. I tried to order three of their brewed beers, but they were out of all of my first few choices.

    After a while you say, what's the point? I'm not coming back.

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    We must have come here on a good night because our service was very good!

    My husband and I live near by but have never tried this place. It always looks so empty and that makes me nervous. So we decided to try it out on a Sunday night since my husband was craving a burger.

    When we came in, the first thing that came to mind for me was "WOW! This place is really big...but so very empty!". We were the only ones eating at a table while the bar had maybe 5 people drinking and enjoying a football game. It's quite surprising because this place is nice and it has a lot of potential to be a real hot spot but for whatever reason, it's really quiet.

    We were quickly seated by the hostess who happened to also be our waitress. I asked her about the Soup of the Day and she raved about the meatball tortellini soup. I wasn't sure about that but I decided to try it anyways...and she was right! Very very good soup! So good that I ordered 2 bowls that night. My husband got the mushroom burger with cheese and we both really enjoyed it. Fresh and cooked perfectly.

    We definitely would be back and maybe to check out their beer selections. Service was nice as well and when we left, the waitress and bartender both waved to us and wished us a Happy Holiday which was nice.

    The only negative thing I can write about this place is that it smells weird. When you first walk in, you are hit with this pungent smell of something which I also smelled in the bathroom. I am not sure what I smelled,  but it wasn't roses.

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    Arggg - I hit the "remove" button then confirmed it thinking I was canceling the update.  Needless to say I am a complete idiot and deleted the original review.....

    So I remember the first experience wasn't that memorable except for the excellent bribe from the staff and the comedian that kept saying "Transition"

    Yesterday we couldn't decide on a place and ended up here.

    Doug was our waiter.  He was pretty good at making sure that we were taken care of.    He even put up with my friend asking "What's the closest beer you have to Budweizer?"  WHO THE HELL WANTS TO DRINK THAT CRAP???   The beer selection is pretty big for a private brewery.  I opted for a 4 x4 sampler (4-4oz. tasters) and tried a few, but the porter was the best.

    We had the garlic fries which were better than Gordon Biersch's IMHO.  The lemon dill aioli was different but worked with them quite well.  There was a BLT with TONS of bacon!  No really TONS, they definitely didn't skimp on that.  There was a quesadilla, but to be honest I have no idea what that tasted like because I forgot to steal a bite.  I had the fish tacos and they were good as well.  Yesterday was a definite improvement from my first visit here and I am sure we will be back to eat again.

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    Birth of the brewpub:

    (guy with a passion for brewing)+(another guy with an MBA) = Brew Pub

    NEVER is the passion around the food. Ever.

    Possibly the slowest service ever. I don't blame the server because she was around, there was just no food to bring us. It was beyond pathetic. The food was greazzzy and heavy.

    Here's the upside: Fantastic beer. Many TVs.

    Beer: 5 stars
    Food: 1 star
    Cute waitress: 5 stars
    Lame excuses about our wait for food: 1 star

    Oddly enough, I'll be back. I'll just eat before I go. The patio looks like a great place for a beer in nice weather.

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