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    Reporting this location as closed. I had friends visit the location 2 weeks ago (St. Patrick's weekend) but the restaurant was closed. I called ahead tonight and was told by someone answering the phone the restaurant has been closed for 3 months already.

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    The Buena Vista, in the location of the former popular steakhouse, opened again this weekend.  No steaks at this point, but you can get burgers, and sandwiches, tacos and burritos, and so forth from 11:00 to 7:00, Wednesday through Sunday. I'm a fan of anybody brave enough to open a restaurant in this economy, and there are a number of new ones in Amador County. I had a great burger with onion rings there and later we returned for the club sandwich and french dip sandwich. The club sandwich was really great, and a little different. It was very large and the turkey was grilled before it was assembled which made it hotter and it was delicious. The french dip sandwich was also very tasty, with a smaller bun than usual, which I like as we don't eat too much bread these days. I am really looking forward to coming back for the prime rib which they will be having weekends and also to try the Mexican dishes. They have completely remodeled the dining room and it's very nice and comfortable.

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