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    I will not return!  We went here two days in a row.  Both times while in the parking lot we were approached by pan handlers looking for food, money, beer and cigarettes.  (They actually asked for those exact items.). I felt so uncomfortable about the guy yesterday I turned around and got back in my car and left (he was standing at the front entry).  Today, we waited 8 minutes to be sated, no one greeted us at the wait to be seated sign though employees made eye contact with us and passed near us.  Then I finally approached an employee who said sit where you like.  We went to the only open tale where we were promptly informed by a different employee that the table was taken (no one was waiting near the wait to be seated sign).  Lastly, we expected it to be noisy inside but it was actually just way too loud of volume on the the game.  It actually hurt my ears and head it was so loud.

    In summary, I tried to dine here twice.  Both times I found it to be uncomfortable and discovered such a lack of care for the customer iI ended up not eating there.  I will not try to eat there again!

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