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    CLOSED!!!  OUT OF BUSINESS!!!  Ate dinner at this dump a couple times about 2 years ago.  Food was leftovers out of the refrigerator that was reheated on the flat grill and served with veggies fried on the grill in more grease.  Felt sorry for the one cook (owner???) and the one waitress that were working there, so I left the waitress a really big tip since I knew this place would be going out of business soon,................................which they did.

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    Not only is it closed, but they have knocked down the building to build a Family Dollar.

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    $20 for a so-so burger served a restaurant with a strange smell??

    They were generous with the fries and the service was friendly but I'm afraid a 3 is all you get.

    The sign says that they now close @ 2PM. We walked out at 12:30 and the employees were in their cars and gone faster than we were.

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    It was ok ~ the service was very good, but the quality of the hamburger was average, nothing to rave about. If there was a better selection of restaurants in that particular area, we probably would have gone somewhere else.

    One thing I did like is there were joke books and funny antedoctal books written by the same author, whom I wonder if he's a local. In any case, reading those books were entertaining while we waited for our entrees.

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    The foods pretty good here haha
    I ordered some onion rings and they were pretty good, i just thought it was kinda expensive for a side dish...

    and Idk if they still do it, but they had local people come and play live music on friday nights (i was one of them :D)
    So it kinda livens up the atmosphere more than other places haha

    Overall it's ok. I'd choose it if i was travelling over most other places there.

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    Cafe 58 has been fixed up quite a bit since it was Jerry's. The owners are often present and interested in customer's opinions or suggestions. The menu is filled with typical diner items and is decent, though not amazing. Breakfast and lunch are good choices. They have a tasty burger.  Dinners are often not that great. (dry cornbread, overcooked veggies...) They close early too. Sometimes 8:00, sometimes before that! Overall, I'd say give this place a chance. It's far better than the chain restaurants in town.

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    No real surprises on the menu.  I ordered a basic breakfast, and it was well executed.  I didn't see anything on the menu that piqued my curiosity, so I don't feel compelled to go back, but I would definitely choose this over any of the chain restaurants that dot the area.

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    So in my travels for work I have ended up in Mojave for an indeterminate period of time...since I usually have to work in the middle of nowhere, having to be in this area is like heaven because there is some sort of a town even if it's a dinky one.

    I noticed this Cafe driving down the main drag and stopped in one day to check it out, I got a breakfast dish which is hard to mess up...all in all it was average but it wasn't that great and the service was so-so.

    I guess for Mojave this is one of the nicer places though because it is not fast food but there are other places to check out that are a little better.

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    While driving through the Mojave dessert I yelped to see what was the best around and Cafe58 was the first to come up.  And I truely believe it really is the best around!  I ordered the tuna melt and my boyfriend had a ruben that was OUT OF THIS WORLD.

    So if you are any where near cafe 58 make sure you stop in!  Its everything you want in a 50s coffee shop!

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    Maybe we caught this place on a bad day. I wanted to like this place, but the  food was awful, down right in-editable. Imagine brick hard cornbread and coagulated gravy. The staff seemed earnest and competent. As others have noted, this place has no real options for vegetarians.

    At least it is inexpensive.

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    I am shocked - shocked! - that Cafe 58 has already been reviewed.  I mean, really, it's in Mojave, California.  In any event, what a great find if you like the American diner experience.  Just to get into the place you pass a pair of Stars and Stripes standing as sentries at the door.  I ate lunch there on a Monday at about 2p.m.  The place was pretty empty.  The guests that were there looked like they stepped right out of the mid-west, with their baseball caps.  A Latino family was there, and a lady with a laptop tucked off in the corner.  The approximately 19 year old waitress (is it more appropriate to say "waitron" now?) had her sandy colored hair pulled back into a severe retro looking petite pompadour.  I asked her if she grew up in the area.  She apologized that she had spend her whole life in Mojave.

    The service was great, with the waitress addressing me as "honey."  The food was good.  It's diner food, so what can I say.

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    Driving from Vegas to SF we stopped to find a quick bite. Really not looking forward to "Taco Hell"...but finding this gem instead! wow nice place, terrific selection of teas, excellent service. Home made real food! NICE! We will be back.
    Thanks for being an oasis in the middle of nothing much.

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    I took a wrong turn in Albuquerque and ended up crossing the Mojave desert in California.   Running on fumes, I pulled over to get some gas and the bright yellow beacon that is the Cafe 58 sign rose up before me, and reminded my stomach that it too was empty.

    So, I did what any sane person who has sat in a car for four days straight and 400 more miles to drive on the fifth day would do:  ordered the biggest, baddest burger on the menu.  This, my friends, was the Cafe 58 Western burger, topped with bacon, BBQ sauce, white onions AND onion rings.  And a giant side of fries came with.

    This place is great with prompt and friendly service and I highly recommend it to anyone foolish enough to cross the desert.

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