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    I stumbled upon the Cane Creek Cafe when I was picking up an ice machine for a friend being sold by the owner.

    This place is EXACTLY what I look for when I am traveling the backroads of Mississippi.  A cool diner in an old building with good food.  What more could you ask for?  

    There was a nice home-cooking buffet going on, but I had to get a burger.  You know, I always have to try the burger.  They even let me into the back to watch it all go down on the flat top.  The burger was good (not great) only because the burger had a premade patty.  It was a good premade, but premade none-the-less.  Crinkle cut fries just helped solidify a great dining experience.   Finally, the chocolate cobbler......shut up.  Incredible.

    Menu for dinner Thurs-Friday has all-you-can-eat catfish front and center for $13.00.  Not bad.  I hope to try it one day.  

    I often find myself wanting something to eat in the Grenada area and Holcomb is just close enough that I will be heading out to the Cane Creek Cafe again soon.  I recommend!

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