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    A great place to stop on the drive from LA to mammoth. Fuel up, grab an always juicy burger, relieve yourself. What else can you ask for?

    Anyone who comes to Carl's and expect a 5 star meal, 5 star service or a 5 star bathroom needs some new glasses.

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    Decent Carls... unlike the other reviewers, my service experience exceeded the usual Carl's experience....the staff was extremely friendly. And a Western Bacon Cheeseburger always hits the spot.....

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    The wind was howling and strong as all heck.  It's black dark with some slim moonlight in the dead, middle of the night.  The sporadic street lamps with the darkness gave everything an eerie glow.  I felt like I was in horror flick driving down those dark streets.  I wanted to get the Hell out of here!  

    Ahhhh!  A very familiar sight,  I feel safe now,  Carl's Jr.

    Yes, and the familiar taste of the Famous Star, no cheese, no onion and a tall coke no ice.  

    Munching happily on my burger as Carl's fades in the rearview I'm restored.

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    Sure, this place sucks. But man, it's tradition! I go here every Thanksgiving on our traditional trip up to Tehachapi. It's a great midway point for our purpose (bathroom break anyone?!) and we get some criss cut fries and maybe a chicken sangwich. No complaints there... but there are some shady characters here... hell it's friggin' Mojave. (-;

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    Crack head Carl's Junior. The woman taking my order insisted I wanted a meal, which I didn't then messed up my order. Next time listen to me...chances are I know what I want.

    Also they charge $1 to use your debit card.

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    Wow this place sucks.  Like I mean really bad.  Worst Carl's Jr I've ever been too.  

    Dirty, super dirty.  Especially the bathroom (where one stall was broken), so a guy came in and was like "this sh*t is still broken" and pissed in the sink.  Of course he didn't wash his hands, why do that? :P

    Food just tasted bad, like none of us liked our food, and vowed never to go back.  This is mostly a reminder for me.

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    So we always make Carl's Jr in Mojave our meeting spot for the Mammoth caravan.  They have never failed us and thank goodness, the bathrooms work here!   Whew....that's almost always a challenge when driving through this town.   I always get the $6 dollar bacon cheeze with the onion rings and shake.  A definate bathroom disaster in the making for this Mojave desert stop! Good job Carl Karcher!

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    So, I know it's kinda silly to review Carl's Jr on Yelp, but I just thought I might mention that this Carl's Jr is above par.  It's nicely kept, considering the small size of Mojave, CA, and I enjoyed the atmosphere.  I rarely eat fast food, by the way.  It was just a refreshing experience.

    My burger, which had a myriad changes, came out from the kitchen perfectly the first time.  I was impressed!

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