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    very good food, excellent service - especially cause we were a group of 15 bikers that just dropped in on them one afternoon.  definately eat the pie... all of the pies

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    Stopped for a late lunch. Luckily I didn't read the other reviews because it was much better than 1-2 stars.

    I got grilled trout, baked potato, and house salad. The trout was very good, but could have stood a little more seasoning. My wife got the 8oz rib-eye, sweet-potato fries, and green beans. Her steak was perfect, fries were "fiiine" (her word for "awesome"), but the beans were only "ok".

    We went with the "moonshine cake" (chocolate cake with chocolate icing made with moonshine) with a side of vanilla ice cream. Very good.

    The sweet tea was good and the service was great. Four stars, "Yay! I'm a fan." about sums it up, and I'll stop again if I'm ever in the area.

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    went here for lunch with a couple of my co-workers. Horrible experience. I got the pulled pork with side of hushpuppies. Pulled pork lacked smokiness, was dried and came with cold bbq sauce on the side. GROSS! Took a bite of the hush puppies and they were ice cold. wth are these people thinking? smokehouse? i think not. this place is a joke. Definitely not worth the trip or money

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    This place made me a very good Ruben.

    The rest of the group enjoyed it as well.

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