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    This place, apparently, totally depends on the night.

    One of the more popular evenings to hit up the club is for their "L Bar" Saturday night "lesbian night." The place is apparently the only lesbian club in NJ (so I hear) and that explains why it brings out a variety of dancing & pool-playing women who love women. And their friends.

    Now, there's something that always creeped me out about dirty old male bouncers and club owners profiting from a lesbian night where 21 year old girls feel "safe" to be a little, how-do-you-say, slutty, because there are "no men around." The bouncers and club owners weren't all that bad, they seemed nice, except they turned away free passes that said "before 12am" because they changed their policy to before 11pm. Fair enough, I guess.

    The club itself is two floors. One floor - the dance floor, the other floor - the smoke / pool floor. And I think I might have caught cancer by stepping in the later floor for a few seconds.

    Regardless, the bartenders were sweet - much better than the service I get at straight (and gay) clubs out in SF. The dance floor was... eh, it was big enough for the place to seem like a sweet sixteen. It wasn't quite crowded enough to feel like a club, yet I like that because otherwise you're packed in like sausages when you want to bust a move.

    Ok- one star for the stripper pole that anyone is allowed to dance on. A few drinks w/ my friends and we were all attempting to bust a move. That stuff is no joke. Strippers, I have new respect for you now.

    Oh, and the "Cha Cha Slide" is way more fun to do with a stripper pole. You learn something new every day. :)

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